Hello there, I'm Stephen and I'm on the hunt for fellow sneaker enthusiasts who share my love for kicks. Whether you're all about Nikes, adidas, Reebok, or any other brand, I'm here to connect with like-minded sneakerheads. From trading, selling, swapping kicks, to just kicking back and enjoying sneakers, count me in for all the fun. With a collection of over 10-15 pairs already, I'm always eager to add more to my stash. If you're up for some sneaker shenanigans, don't hesitate to reach out! On a side note, my sneaker size typically ranges from 9.5 to 12. Here's a wild tale for you - a friend once offered me his Nike Air Max Tn size 11 in exchange for a favor. Needless to say, I scored the kicks and gained a new sneaker buddy in the process. Now, let's dive into a little fantasy of mine... Picture this: a scenario where a guy willingly surrenders complete control to me the moment he walks through the door. He gives up all freedom, decision-making powers, and even his identity to me. There's a specific dress code in place, requiring the donning of name-brand sneakers that perfectly match the outfit. The power dynamic is crystal clear - I call the shots on everything, from your attire to your actions. You become my 24/7 companion, with me at the helm of every aspect of your life. It's all about submission and unwavering obedience. Intrigued? Let's explore this unique dynamic together. Furthermore, I'm in search of a boyfriend who is open to complete submission from our very first date night onwards. If you're willing to embrace total obedience and follow my lead, I'd be thrilled to hear from you. Any takers? But hey, I'm not just about sneakers and dynamics. I'm also a regular guy who loves to hang out, have a good time, and seek adventure. I enjoy activities like paranormal investigating, camping, hiking, gardening, and diving into video games, board games, and cards. You can catch me playing Pokémon Go, Monopoly Go, and Xbox One.
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