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Edgar the Null - Part 3 - End

Written by: nibelungo

12 months

My parents know nothing about my harassment and the beatings that my penis receives, at home I try to hide it although they suspect something, my behavior makes them believe that everything is fine, but it is not fine. It's been 3 years since I watched the Nullo video, I've tried to meet with many people who promised to castrate me, some never showed up, others did but backed out. If I could, I would have done it myself, but I can't, I lie, I don't dare. After many unsuccessful meetings, I still had the curse hanging between my legs. But I had finally found him, the person who would castrate my penis and testicles. His name is César, or so he says, I don't care, he also says he's a surgeon, but to me it's as if he's a butcher, I want my penis gone once and for all and I'll do whatever it takes. After many phone calls and video conferences, we decided to meet one day to perform the operation. He's a foreigner, Italian, he makes me reserve a hotel room in my name. We meet at the door of the room, neither of us speaks Italian nor Spanish, but we both speak English fluently.

- Finally we meet, come in and undress.

I take off my clothes and stay completely naked, he looks surprised.

- I had seen it in the photos you sent me and in the video conference, but seeing it in person is even more impressive.

- Tell me you'll take it away.

- Of course I will, but I told you there are conditions.

- And I told you I didn't care.

- Correct, but let's make it clear: I'm going to castrate your penis and testicles. I won't use anesthesia. Once the penis is gone, it's mine and I can do whatever I want with it.

- That's fine with me, I want it out of my life, you can do whatever you want with it. Just tell me when we start.

- Tomorrow morning, we'll start at 10:00 am, come fasting.

- How long will it take?

- I estimate that we'll be done in a maximum of 3 hours.

I left the hotel towards my only friend's house, we've known each other all our lives and he's been my only support, he knows everything I've been through and my goal. He's the only one who knows what I'm going to do, he doesn't judge me, he understands me and supports me. I tell him everything, obviously he's worried about me. He wants to accompany me, but I don't let him. I say goodbye to him and we hug.

I wake up the next day, the day, I say goodbye to my parents, I told them I'm going on vacation with friends and I'll be out of touch for about 5 days, they don't suspect anything, but just in case something happens and I don't come out of the operation, I leave them a note somewhat hidden where I explain the reason for my decision and that I love them. I arrive at the hotel and as soon as I knock on the door, César opens it and asks me to put on a hood. I do it. It tightens firmly around my neck to prevent it from coming off. I can't see anything. I feel several hands guiding me around the room and helping me climb onto what I think is a stretcher. Once lying down, they start tying me up, passing straps through my chest, stomach, ankles, until I'm tightly immobilized. I feel a sharp object beginning to rip apart all my clothes, they drag it through the straps until I'm completely naked and exposed. My heart starts to race. There's no turning back. They begin to tape something on my face over the hood, covering my mouth tightly, I imagine so my screams aren't heard. I hear murmurs, some speak in Italian or others in English, all surprised to see the monster I have between my legs. They grab one of my arms and I feel a needle being inserted, like an intravenous tube. While I feel many hands touching it, lifting it and letting it drop to see the weight. I feel them grab and squeeze my testicles. I hear laughter and many comments I don't understand.

They leave me and I feel a hand caressing my head, it's César, he whispers in my ear.

- There's no turning back, your last chance to change your mind. Move your head up and down to continue and side to side to stop.

I'm terrified, but for me there's no turning back, I nod my head forward and back affirmatively.

- Well done, we will begin in a few minutes.

I hear some kind of metallic material clashing, as if they were placing a tray near me and all the instruments were moving freely. They grab my penis and start stroking it, trying to make it hard. For a while they try, and manage to get some arousal, but I know it will never get hard, I tried long ago and failed, after a few minutes of trying to arouse me, they stop. They raise my penis and try to slide something, it hurts a bit from the friction, but I endure, it's hard to get through, with a lot of effort they pass my testicles through what I think is a rubber band that grips the base of my penis tightly. They insert a total of 6 rubber bands, I feel the blood not circulating in my penis, at first it's uncomfortable, then the tingling comes, gradually it starts to hurt, I imagine it's turning purple to black. My penis is very sensitive, just the touch on the skin makes me shudder in pain. I hear comments, some laughter. They tighten the straps, the pressure on my chest makes it a bit difficult to breathe, but I endure it. Several hands grab my arms and press me to immobilize me even more. I prepare myself, my heart is racing. Breathing, just inhaling through my nose is not enough, I breathe very quickly, which makes me a little dizzy.

Then I feel it.

The most unbearable pain I've ever experienced, I want to scream, I try but I can't, I move compulsively while unseen people force me to stay still. The pain is horrible, they are stabbing me with a knife, each swipe over my penis is an unbearable tear. I don't know how long this torment can last, I wish it would end soon. Another pass of the knife. I scream, desperate for it to end soon, I focus on the prize, but it's impossible, my head is clouded, my breathing is very fast and my heart is racing. It all mixes, pain, dizziness, everything is fading away, it seems to start hurting less, I hear laughter and some distant comments. Slowly everything turns black.

I wake up and I'm alone in the room, I have a drip next to me and I see the tube hiding behind a bandage on my arm. I have a blanket covering my body, I get up with difficulty, I'm very sore. I slowly remove the blanket, I want to see what happened, before I reveal it someone enters. It's César.

- Stop, stop, be very careful. Wait, let me help you. You'll see it turned out very well.

He removes the blanket and cautiously a gauze, I see the result, tears come out involuntarily, there's nothing there, just a scar, a tube coming out of my body and my legs. There's nothing left. I cry inconsolably, tears of happiness.

- What happened?

- While I was cutting off your penis and testicles, you kept convulsing, I finally injected a sedative through the vein we placed in the beginning, what you were suffering seemed inhumane to me, but you had an unusually large penis and it was really hard to cut.

Then he brought up a kind of hermetic refrigerator, opened it and showed me its contents. Inside was my penis, of a dark blackish color, wrapped in plastic and surrounded by lots of ice. Seeing it from that distance seemed huge.

- Say goodbye to it, you won't see it anymore.

- What are you going to do?

- First a mold, this size is not normal and it deserves to be preserved. Then most likely I'll sell it, there are powerful people who enjoy eating human flesh, I'm sure they can get a good use out of a penis this size.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome. Now rest, I'll stay with you for a couple of days until you recover.

César kept his word and stayed with me for a total of 3 days, many people visited my room to contemplate my emasculation and congratulate me, many had witnessed the process. They even showed me a video as they recorded the whole process, I watch it and remember all the suffering I went through, it was worth it. My friend also visited. He saw me happy and was happy for me. When I returned home, I told my parents, they don't understand what happened, many arguments and disappointments, they finally accepted it although I understand they reproached me for making that decision without consulting them.

A couple of years have passed. I exercise and stay in shape. I met a girl, her name is Andrea, she sees me for who I am, we enjoy our sexuality in our own way, all very pleasurable for both of us. The scar is slowly disappearing, I run my hand over my groin, there's no kind of protrusion, hair or deformity, it's smooth and soft as if it were a Ken doll. I stand up naked and look at myself in the mirror in the bedroom, my body is free, the curse no longer exists. I am happy.

Edgar the Null - Part 3 - End

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