I felt the enormous head in my mouth, its size was so extreme that it almost fully occupied it. Still, as best I could, I moved my tongue to stimulate every corner of the huge glans and work on the little hole and the frenulum. I sucked and still had in my mouth the taste of having savored and swallowed the abundant ricotta. I was excited by its salty and rancid taste, an intense masculine flavor. But now something better was coming; the shaft was secreting preseminal fluid. It was drool after drool that I swallowed eagerly and gratefully. I could hear Ahmed's manly pleasure grunts and a new threat -"suck, bitch! Give me pleasure or I'll whip you!"- I remembered the braided whip with which they said Ahmed whipped his slaves, his harem of faggots. I was startled to remember that, but I found it terribly erotic. I felt like a submissive geisha born to give pleasure to her master, her owner and lord, an inferior being whose only mission in life is to serve and pleasure his master. Then he with his big strong hands held my head and started inserting his member deeper and deeper. I felt how the inflated head went through my throat. The rest of the member entering my mouth was so thick that my lips tensed trying to encompass it. Even though my mouth was wide open, I felt like my lips were splitting. I started to gag as I felt that big phallus penetrate deeper into my digestive tube. The gags were getting more intense and I was afraid that this huge projectile would end up bursting my digestive tube. I started making gestures as if I were an epileptic in the middle of an attack to signal Ahmed to stop. But Ahmed didn't listen to me, instead he protested with his thunderous voice -"come on! faggot! Keep swallowing or I'll whip you. You're a piece of shit, can't you pleasure a man?"- and kept introducing more and more centimeters of the huge projectile. I felt his huge hands forcefully holding my head and his hips advancing mercilessly. The inflated head kept progressing through my digestive tube until it pressed against the entrance of my stomach, so long was that phallus. It was the big cock of a big man who measured well over six feet. When Ahmed inserted every last centimeter of his huge projectile, he let out a deep breath of pleasure and said to me -"You're lucky to have a master like me, bitch!"-. I was writhing in intense muscle spasms from the intense gags and pain. I felt like a mere object owned by Ahmed. An object that he could break without hesitation, like a simple toy that could be shattered by abusive use to satisfy his pleasure. I was turned on by his selfishness and brutishness as a male, a male who only thinks of himself and his own pleasure. I heard his thunderous voice again -"show your gratitude, bitch. Since you can't speak because you have my cock in your mouth, express your gratitude by giving a massage to my balls. I like my balls massaged." Trying to control my spasms, I grabbed with my trembling hand his huge balls hanging halfway down his thighs. They were so big that my hand couldn't cover both balls at the same time, but I gave them the ordered massage as best I could. Ahmed continued with his insults and humilations -"show what an inferior faggot you are and give me a good massage"- and so I did. I put all I could into the massage while feeling his huge member from my mouth to pressing against the entrance of my stomach, about to burst my digestive tube. He continued -"do you know why I have such big balls, bitch? Because I am very much a man, because I am very much a male-" and let out a laugh that echoed throughout the room. It was the laughter of a confident and satisfied male who feels his power, his superiority. At one point he ordered me to stop the massage and then he began moving his hips back and forth and his huge phallus began to advance and retreat in my digestive tube. I was writhing in the most intense gags and pain while hearing his pleasure grunts. What a wonderful madness I was living! (To be continued)
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