18+ Content

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12 months

That big man began to move his hips back and forth mercilessly, and his huge phallus began to move forward and backward in my digestive tube, on the verge of bursting. I was writhing, seized by the most intense gag reflexes and pain, while hearing his pleasure grunts, the pleasure grunts of the selfish and brutal male. His huge hanging testicles kept hitting my neck and chest repeatedly, creating a wonderful rhythmic sound -splats! splats! splats!- similar to the one produced by a whip when it strikes the defenseless skin of a slave. Occasionally, I would caress his strong legs with my hands, his muscular bodybuilder's thighs. What a wonderful madness I was experiencing! He continued with his brutal thrusts until I felt his enormous member churning inside my digestive tube. A resounding grunt warned that this great male was ejaculating. It was a huge climax. A huge amount of semen was expelled and completely flooded my digestive tube, from the entrance of my stomach to my mouth, in the precarious space left by the colossal phallus. This great male entered a state of ecstatic pleasure, and the final thrusts occurred while my digestive tube, now completely flooded, continued to receive enormous amounts of semen. My nose brushed against Ahmed's pubic area, with intensely black hair typical of an Arab male, and I relished in savoring the thick white liquid and excitedly recognizing that salty male taste. There's nothing a queer likes more than tasting the semen of our male master. Something that males would never do as they consider it completely disgusting and degrading. "A real man wouldn't stoop to sucking another man's cock, let alone swallowing and savoring his semen. That's something for queers and maybe even women who stoop to such debasements," they once told me Ahmed said. His extreme machismo excited and eroticized me. There is nothing more exciting for a queer than sucking the cock of a chauvinistic male, the more chauvinistic the better. Oh, Ahmed, what a stud! That was the perfect epithet for that sensational male: stud. But the enormous pressure of the large phallus in the final thrusts caused rivers of semen to escape from the corners of my lips. I didn't want that to happen, as I knew it was a serious offense for a slave to let his semen escape, even a single drop. The slave was supposed to swallow every last drop of the expelled liquid, as he was born to be degraded in that way. It was a very strict rule whose violation was severely punished. The most important liquid a slave can swallow is his master's semen, a sacred liquid for a slave, as a slave could give his life for the privilege of tasting his master's semen. Apart from the slave's devotion, the strict compliance with the rule was also to avoid the logical hassle of droplets soiling the floor or part of the master's body or attire. One had to serve the master meticulously and avoid at all costs anything that could displease, bother, or disgust the master. When Ahmed recovered from the intense orgasm, he noticed the droplets on the floor. He got very angry. While I still had his member in my mouth and digestive tube, he harshly scolded me for my carelessness -"Whore! What have you done? How did you let the floor of my gym get dirty! I will punish you severely for this." I wanted to explain, to say that I couldn't control the liquid's escape due to the pressure of the great phallus, but obviously with that colossal projectile in my mouth, I couldn't speak. It often happens that when masters harshly reprimand us slaves, we cannot defend or justify ourselves because we can't speak with the master's thick cock in our mouth. The masters know this and naturally take advantage of it. But life is just that unfair; masters enjoy dominating, punishing, humiliating, and degrading slaves and will delight in subjecting them to the most brutal injustices, while slaves must submit to all of that to serve their master with the utmost care and gratitude. Still with the enormous member in my digestive tube, and still erect, Ahmed slapped me hard. "Whore!" he shouted in his thunderous voice. Then he slapped me again, and again, and again. I held onto his muscular legs to maintain my balance against the strong impacts because I knew I had to endure his punishment and show gratitude. Oh, Ahmed, a real man! (To be continued)


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