The encounters followed a similar dynamic for a while, spaced out more or less, with greater or lesser distance and intensity, with more or fewer humiliations, but Borja still could not feel the skin of his mistress. That deprivation seemed to do nothing but intensify desire.
The punishments had started to become more physical. Borja stopped going to the pool, as it would be difficult to explain the red marks that stretched from one side to the other of his back. For the same reason, he had started wearing long sweatpants to the gym. They had even mocked him for it when he went to play paddle dressed like that.
However, despite the discomfort, the disturbances, and the mockery, or perhaps because of them, he felt more fulfilled than ever. He had the sensation of seeing everything more clearly, while completely abstracted from his minuscule and insignificant reality. Like an ant that sees for the first time from outside a terrarium and thus understands its role in the complex web that they all construct together.
The scorn, humiliations, and punishments from his mistress brought order to his life. At first, trying to justify his desire, the fact that his mistress was a CD, not a man or a woman, was another way to self-humiliate. But over time that idea faded and he began to accept that he simply found her attractive. In his eyes, she was more female than any woman. But he no longer cared or questioned whether he was heterosexual, bisexual, or what. That no longer mattered.
On a Saturday, at 3:00 PM, he received a message from his mistress. He was at a meal with friends. They had not gotten to dessert. He did not care. To the astonishment of everyone, he invented a pathetic excuse and ran off towards his mistress's house.
- "This one has probably hooked up with someone," he heard one of his friends say as he left the venue, while the others laughed.
When he entered the apartment and began to undress in the hallway, as was customary, he was surprised that the lights were completely on and that movement could be sensed inside. Normally, his mistress waited for him sitting or standing, but always motionless. Nevertheless, he did not give it importance. He had to undress completely, put on the dog collar, and wait for his mistress to give him permission to enter.
This time, a surprise awaited him. After a few moments, despite having his head down, he could make out a silhouette approaching the door from the other side, through the colorful beveled glass. The door opened, which left Borja in shock, as this had never happened before.
- "Please, come in, sir," said a young man about twenty-five years old, athletic, with a sensual line of hair that emerged from his navel and vanished between his strong legs. The boy wore a bow around his neck, metal bracelets, and a chastity belt that squeezed his bulging genitalia. Completing his outfit, the young man had rabbit ears among his curly black hair and a pom-pom on his butt, which could be guessed was the tip of a plug that had been inserted into his rectum.
Borja was stunned to see that boy with vibrant eyes softened by his abundant eyelashes. He felt betrayed, but at the same time, as that boy opened the door to him with deference, he felt more important. He called him "sir." What did that mean? Intrigue overcame anger and spite. He chose to stay and find out what was happening instead of leaving.
His mistress seemed to watch the scene unfolding before her with amused anticipation. The mischievous glint in her eyes truly hid the fear of having overstepped in measuring the capabilities of her most prized object of desire. She feared Borja would leave at a situation he could not process.
- "You know what to do, bunny," she told the boy, without even giving Borja an explanation.
- "Can I?" the bunny said to Borja, bringing the clip of a leash to the ring of his collar.
Borja nodded in an automatic silence that surpassed the initial anger he felt at the unexpected situation.
Pulling the leash, he brought him closer to the mistress. But first, to position him properly in front of her, the boy had to move the coffee table. He took the glass of juice that his mistress had there and handed it to her servilely. Then he lifted the table to place it where it would not obstruct. To do so, he had to bend down. It was at that moment that Borja was able to see the rabbit pom-pom the boy wore between his buttocks. It made him smile. It seemed funny to see that boy exposing himself like that.
The boy tugged the leash gently again, in order to present Borja’s body, in all its frontal glory, before his mistress. Next, the young man knelt beside his muscular and hairy leg. Borja's already swollen penis seemed eager to approach the youthful adult face of the boy.
- "Tell him your story, bunny. And you, Borja, listen well and learn from it."
- "I met my mistress four years ago when I was twenty-one. I saw her profile on a website and fell in love," the mistress's laughter seemed to hurt the young man, but he swallowed his pride along with his snot and continued the story. "She rejected me. She said she wasn’t looking for 'punks.' At that moment, I thought I was the best on earth. I never had trouble hooking up. I always knew how to win over girls, and I was always handsome. So every time you rejected me, the more I wanted you for myself."
- "Do not address me unless I permit you. I told you to tell him your story. You have no right to speak to me," Jennifer said with an almost maternal authority.
- "Sorry, ma'am! The thing is, since the first day we met, she handled me as she wanted. I was totally lost. I didn’t understand what was happening to me, but I always wanted more. But at one point, a university mate saw my WhatsApp while I was talking to her. I don’t think he saw everything, but I was scared. I didn’t want it to be known. And so, I made the mistake. A mistake I regret. I blocked her. I stopped talking to her for a couple of months. I disappeared. When I came back to talk to her, she didn’t respond to my messages. I saw that she had read them but ignored me."
- "And why is that?" Jennifer asked in a didactic tone.
- "Because an ungrateful kid isn’t worth her time, ma'am."
- "Go on," Jennifer said calmly as she studied the almost empty look in Borja's eyes, who seemed to be looking at a nonexistent horizon.
- "Eventually, after months of trying to get her attention, I sent her a video begging her to give me a chance. I did it naked. Literally, naked. I wanted her to know that my need to submit to her was so great that I put myself entirely in her hands. I had tried everything already: audios, poems, songs. The video worked. She keeps it. She can make it public if I betray her trust again. But it worked. She let me be close to her again. I know that I probably won’t be able to touch her again, though I pray every day that she gives me that chance once more."
Borja remained still, trying to hide his thoughts. Everything felt like madness. What was that boy, who could be his younger brother, doing crawling like that? He was a handsome boy. He was sure he could have another CD just by opening Grindr. A trans, CD, girl, boy, whatever he wanted. There were plenty of people in this world. There were even more beautiful CDs. He wondered all these things as if he didn't know the answer, as it was the same thing that happened to him. Yes, there were better options, but none seemed right. There was only one Jennifer.
Lost in his thoughts while the boy spoke, Borja began to smell his own sweat. He seemed like one of those plants that excrete a toxic substance to repel their competitors. It was at that moment that he understood what was happening. His mistress was exposing and manipulating both of them. She was threatening them both. She was making them feel their irrelevance, how easy it was to replace them. The indignation he felt turned into a pleasurable impotence that made him tense all his muscles like someone preparing to receive the exemplary punishments mandated by the lord of the manor.
- "Do you see that man before whom you bow, bunny?"
- "Yes, ma'am."
- "That is a man who can still have the right to touch me. Worship him as befits your inferiority."
- "Do I have to do it, ma'am?" the boy asked with a grimace of disgust.
- "You are the master of your destiny. You know it. I do not force you to do anything."
The veiled threat was stronger than a loud cascade of spanks. The boy leaned before his opponent's male feet. He kissed them and began to lick between his toes. Almost involuntarily, Borja raised the tips of his feet a little, resting on his heels, so the boy could better lick them.
Borja felt suspended in a cloud of unreality and occasionally observed himself from the outside, as if it were a movie. From the seat of his own cinema, he saw that boy licking his feet and caressing his legs while keeping his gaze on Jennifer, who gently bit her lips at the scene.
When the boy began to go up his thighs, Borja wanted to tense them, to prevent him from approaching his genital area. However, his muscles, all of them, seemed to betray him. His legs opened, giving way to the intrepid bunny explorer who sank into the valley that begins at the end of the scrotum and plunges into the channels of the rectum.
The smell of man emanating from the area must have temporarily repelled the boy, who stepped back for a few seconds to fill his lungs. Really, if Borja had been able to ask what was happening to that other young man at that moment, he would have known that the boy was surprised that licking another man's body was not unsatisfactory.
- "Lick his ass well," ordered the mistress coldly as she leaned forward, resting her chin on her palm to observe more closely.
Borja surprised himself by opening his buttocks with his strong hands to allow the boy's tongue to enter properly.
- "Do as you are told," the mistress reminded him before the incredulous gaze of the bunny.
The boy knew there was no turning back. Gathering courage, he dove into that masculine offering and began to lick. After the first strokes, the ocher aroma began to disappear, leaving only the warmth of contact between two irresponsible organs. It no longer tasted so bad. Courage gave way to eagerness, and it to excitement.
After a while, the boy began to rise. Naturally, Borja raised his arms so that the boy could lick his armpits and let him play with his nipples. Although Borja's penis had received no stimulation, it remained totally erect and steaming.
The boy avoided touching his penis, although sometimes, while licking and kissing the torso, he could not help but brush against it with some part of his body.
- "Kiss his neck," Jennifer ordered the boy.
Borja's terrified look said it all, but he did not oppose when the boy's soft lips began to savor the sweat of that neck that was offered, reluctant yet surrendered. The boy no longer resisted anything. The important thing was that his mistress enjoyed.
The invading lips continued up the chin that seemed to want to evade them unsuccessfully. They continued to kiss softly, the cheeks and the lips, which remained closed in relentless tension.
Borja was very aware that this was not disgusting to him, but that his pride did not allow him to give in to curiosity. He didn't want to know what it was like to kiss a boy. If there was anyone a man like him wanted to kiss, it was his goddess. No one else. He could still choose and would ensure that it was so.
For the first time during all that time, Jennifer stood up and approached Borja. Respectfully, the boy stepped aside. Jennifer brought her lips very close to his.
- "I know what you want. It’s not hard to guess."
In a fit, Borja tried to steal a kiss from his queen. In response, he received a loud slap that his cheek gladly blushed.
- "Not so fast," she said as she grabbed firmly the majestic cock of her animal and played with it.
- "What do I have to do?" Borja asked almost in huffs and with a glassy gaze.
- "Well, to start, you are going to destroy this bunny's ass while both of you look at me," she said, not stopping to touch the member with both hands, as if wanting to grease it with her natural juices.
- "Not that," said poor Borja in a tone of absolute indecision that wanted to simulate certainty, who already doubted even his name.
- "As you see…" the mistress replied, amused.
- "Alright."
- "Bunny, put on a condom. You're going to learn what it feels like to be a girl today," she laughed at the fearful gaze of the boy.
The young man began to unroll the condom from the tip of that cock that seemed immense to him. Any cock would have seemed so, since having his own diminished and never having had one inside him, he really had no real notion of sizes.
Borja was still in a parallel world. He felt like he had become a puppet that the only awake part of his being controlled from a parallel world. From that very spot, he saw how the merciless mistress grabbed the boy's hair, forcing him to get on all fours, and carefully removed the plug that expanded the anus he was about to penetrate.
Ready now, Borja's penis approached the hole being offered. With a mixture of desperation and unusual sadism, penetration began, while his mistress reclined on the sofa to watch the scene, caressing her covered groin.
The boy tried to suppress his moans, but Borja's increasingly violent thrusts wouldn’t allow it. His moans were not really so much of pain but of humiliation. Feeling used, penetrated, sodomized by another man sank him into a feeling of pleasurable and deserved shame.
For his part, Borja could not stop watching how his aggressive behavior seemed to excite his mistress more and more. He felt like an instrument serving a greater cause, or at least that's how he wanted to think to evade the pleasure his cock was receiving entering the cavernous insides of the boy.
At one moment, suddenly, the mistress ordered them to stop the action, leaving the final pleasure that Borja was beginning to experience unfinished.
- "You, on your knees and open your mouth!" Jennifer ordered with disdainful desire to Borja, who obeyed without hesitation.
For the first time, Borja saw his mistress's small cock, too big for a clitoris, too small for a penis. He loved it. It seemed to him the most feminine and desirable thing he had ever seen in his life, while being martial and dominant. He saw how that approached his mouth. He felt it entering. And he was surprised when his mouth filled with a warm and bitter liquid. More surprised he was when he tried to swallow it. However, he could not, and the liquid began to seep from his chest, penis, and legs. The stream shot out of his mouth to also soak his face and hair.
All wet, with his cock still erect and unsatisfied, Borja could not help but wonder how he had ended up there.
- "Bunny, clean up this mess you made with your body. And then clean my boy well with your tongue."
The mix of sensations, feeling so humiliated and excited collided soundly with the satisfaction that Jennifer referred to him as "her boy." He was happy. Really happy.
The bunny did as he was ordered and licked with pleasure the remnants of fluids from the warm body of that man who seemed unable to react to so many stimuli.
- "Borja, get dressed and leave smelling of piss, as befits. But before, crawl before my feet and kiss them."
Borja did not hesitate for a second to do so.
- "You, bunny, will stay to clean up this mess."
Both submissives thanked their mistress's treatment. While the bunny stayed cleaning, Borja went to the hallway, got dressed, and left in silence. When he arrived home, he did not bathe. He wanted to keep smelling his mistress's insides for as long as possible.
The dignity of the mandrill - III
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