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THE ROCK IV - Completes his sentence. End

Escrito por: CUBASTURIAS

11 meses

The moment of fulfillment of El Roca's sentence was approaching. One day they were both in the isolation cell after having fucked like wild dogs.

- El Roca: "Bruno, I have very little of the sentence left"

- Bruno: "Yes, three months, right?"

- El Roca: "Yes, but I don't want to leave, I want you to help me see if there is a way to extend my sentence"

- Bruno: "Besides being a faggot, have you now become a dumbass or what? Are you stupid, are you crazy?"

- El Roca: "I want to stay, that's all"

- Bruno: "Look, get that out of your head because I'm not going to allow it, I don't understand you, I don't know what's wrong with you, Roca"

- El Roca: "What's wrong is that I'm addicted to you, man, and I don't want to leave"

- Bruno (smiling): "You've got it bad"

- El Roca: "You're the one who has hit me hard and put me like this, man"

- Bruno: "Listen, Carlos..." it was one of the very few times he called him that "there are other options, not as crazy as wanting to stay here"

- El Roca: "What do you mean?"

- Bruno: "We can see each other outside"

- El Roca: "But..."

- Bruno: "Look, you're not married and neither am I... I have my own place and I think you don't have anything, you were renting and you'll have to find another place, plus you'll have to find a job... and look, I can help you with that, I have contacts I can recommend you to, and I assure you they'll trust me, a prison officer making recommendations... the thing is you can look for a rental place close to where I live and not so many miles away from where you were living before, the job I assure you will also be nearby... so, one day I'll visit you and another day you'll visit me... with the kind of guy you have, no neighbor, nobody, will suspect anything... and I will continue giving it to you in that ass of yours that has me addicted too"

- El Roca: "That ass is already yours and will continue to be, for you to hit me, fuck me, pound me, do whatever the fuck you want with it... and I love what you said... although it seems a bit like something out of a novel, too easy... but if you want to get me a job, that's ideal for me, I assure you I won't let you down, I'll restrain myself, I'll control myself... and if you want you can accompany me to see rental apartments, I don't need anything big, a studio or an apartment will do, the only thing it must have is a good bed for you to give it to me well, to fuck me until you're satisfied and above all for my man to be comfortable... I will spend the first few days away from you at my aunt's place but the sooner I leave from there, the better..."

- Bruno: "There won't be any problems, I'll even give you some money so you can live before your first paycheck"

- El Roca: "You don't have to do that, there's no need"

- Bruno: "Consider it payment for a whore who gives me a tremendous ass, an ass like no other"

- El Roca (smiling): "Then you'll have to make the most of the merchandise you're paying for"

- Bruno: "You know I will"

- El Roca: "Well, I actually didn't know that, I had doubts about what would happen once I was out, but you've reassured me... "

- Bruno: "And treating you like a whore... I guess you're clear about it, I've never treated you as anything else, well yes, as a faggot too... a whore, a faggot, a bitch... since that first day, I've never respected you"

- El Roca: "You don't have to and I don't want you to, I'm the one who has to respect you, not the other way around"

- Bruno: "And I'll keep hitting you, the same as outside... well maybe more, if we find a place where we are truly alone and safe, not here in the midst of everything, with the risk of someone noticing or knocking on the door of this cell"

- El Roca: "Well if that's how it is here, I don't know how far you'll take me outside with all these favorable conditions"

- Bruno: "As far as you can handle, Roca, I'm no fool, I know how far a fucking masochistic faggot like you can go"

- El Roca: "It's amazing how you say that and I like it... I like it and it excites me... I know you just came in my ass but... don't you want me to start sucking you until you give it to me again?... you rarely give it to me in my mouth, you prefer to fuck me and I love the taste"

- Bruno: "With that ass of yours! but yes, go ahead, suck it... but you know if you start sucking me off, I'll hit you again"

- El Roca: "You can hit me whenever you want, every time it pleases you, besides I really feel like my body needs it, I need you to hit me, I can't go long without it, it relaxes me, man, it relaxes me, I can assure you"

- Bruno (giving him a strong slap): "Take that!"

- El Roca: "Man, when you hit me, it only multiplies my desire to suck you off"

- Bruno: "Swallow it, whore, it will be easier for you that way, suck it and make it hard"

El Roca was already an expert at sucking, he put his tongue under the cock and moved it, giving his man the maximum pleasure, someone who had understood him and brought out everything he had inside. Bruno was his man, he had won him over, he deserved everything, he had taught him to feel as he was programmed to feel, through blows and up his ass, like a fucking faggot.

El Roca left prison and everything went as Bruno had planned. They had frequent sessions, at one's house or the other's. El Roca fucked girls but they couldn't fill that part that he filled. Also, he didn't look for trouble, avoided problems, and faithfully showed up for work. Bruno took away all his anxiety, the anger, everything he used to accumulate, with him everything came out, he released it. On Bruno's part, he increasingly enjoyed hitting him, dominating him, using him. Hitting him with that amazing body had never ceased to please him, on the contrary, he enjoyed it more and more. They fucked mostly when both had days off, but El Roca liked it when, occasionally, Bruno went straight from work to his house, finding him completely naked, barefoot and starting to fuck with Bruno in full uniform, and the first thing he did was hit him, slaps, spanks, lashes, paddles, canes.

As they had predicted, now, in these conditions, the hits had increased, and El Roca seemed to have no threshold for pain, Bruno did it freely, he hit him, used him, and did whatever he wanted with him. Carlos, El Roca, remained completely rehabilitated.

THE ROCK IV - Completes his sentence. End

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