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The Interrogation – The Academy of Masters and Slaves – CHAPTER 7

Escrito por: lisbeth

9 meses

The interrogation – The Academy of Masters and Slaves – CHAPTER 7


- It is clear that everything works correctly – announced Jorge – Do you intend to lie today? – he asked, stroking his cheek.

- No – replied Marc automatically, still so bewildered by the electrocution that he was not aware that he had just exposed himself to the possibility of another shock. Fortunately, he had answered sincerely. With that hand on his cheek, he forgot where he was; for a moment, only he and Jorge existed in his mind.

- Well then, it seems we can start… - he said while stepping back and beginning to pace in a semicircle in front of him. He stared into Marc's eyes until he picked up a screen from the table and focused his gaze on it. He continued to walk around like a lawyer examining his notes in front of the bench. Marc couldn't help but focus on the audience; the situation was intimidating.

- You've lived your whole life with Alex, do you love him? – Jorge finally asked.

- Yes – he replied.

- Do you love him?

Marc was not sure about that. What did it mean to love? He only knew that he did not feel what he felt for Alex towards anyone else – Yes – he answered, afraid of a shock that did not occur. That absence felt like a recognition of his feelings. In that moment, he knew he truly loved him.

- Alex wants to be your master. Do you want to be his slave?

- Yes – That answer, in front of so many witnesses, might seem humiliating, but Marc responded filled with pride. He truly desired it.

- Do you know what that means? – Jorge asked, looking him in the eyes intently.

What to answer to that? Did he know? – I have an idea, but I'm aware that there are things I still don’t know – He felt tremendously intelligent when he sensed that there was no electric shock in his testicles.

- Well, in that case, let’s talk a little about you… – Jorge continued – you should know that I have been talking to Alex, so I already know a bit about what you like and what you don't. I also know what you have experienced so far, but now I want everyone present here to hear you tell it. Tell me, have you already had sex with your master?

- Yes, sir, well, we make love… - Marc answers and falls silent as the audience erupts in laughter. The professor is also laughing in his face. That makes him sad.

- Let's ignore that comment for now… Have you practiced anal and oral sex, right?

- Yes, sir – he replies curtly, not wanting to provoke more laughter.

- Do you like being fucked?

- Yes, very much. I love it.

- And have you ever wanted someone else to do it? – He asks, looking him in the eyes.

Marc becomes extremely nervous; evidently, yes. Many times, with almost all the guys he has met in his life, but he never crossed that line. He loves Alex. But what can he do? If he tells the truth, Alex might get angry; if he lies, the electricity will course through his balls and Alex will still know the answer.

- Yes – he says timidly, almost in a whisper.

- Answer loudly so that everyone can hear you - Jorge orders inquisitively.

- Yes, sir, I have wished for others to fuck me – Marc replies. If, out of fear, he were not avoiding looking at Alex, he would have seen the happiness on his face upon hearing those words.

- Can you give us an example? For instance, today you have met a lot of people, any particular name?

- All the masters in our class, Eric, especially – he responds, looking for Eric among the audience this time. But his eyes do not find him in time before the next question.

- Is that all? Nobody else? Perhaps… one of your teachers? - Jorge asks, amused by such a possibility.

- No, sir – Marc replies and immediately writhes in pain. Like a thousand kicks together, the electricity hits his balls. Why? Marc thinks. He hadn’t noticed Jorge in that way.

- I asked you if you have noticed anyone else, and it seems you have not been sincere… - he tells him while gasping, recovering from the shock.

That must be it, Marc thinks as he strains his arms trying to find a more comfortable position. He remembers that even before the electricity and convulsing like an idiot, he was not comfortable. So, he surrenders again under his own weight, while he assumes the reason for the shock. It is true that he has noticed someone since he heard about his condition that fascinates him.

- Who do you want to fuck you, Marc? – he asks with a smile.

- The twins, Victor's slaves – he replies, this time calmly, knowing that he is being honest. Avoiding further shocks is all that matters to him now. His dignity has taken a back seat on his priority list.

- Victor's slaves – Jorge repeats, in case anyone had not understood – So you want a slave, an inferior being, to fuck you? Is that how low you think of yourself? Where is your dignity, Marc? Is there no pride left in you?

- That’s not it, sir. I don’t care if they are masters or slaves; they are twins. That has been a fantasy for me for many years. – Marc defends himself.

- I see you are telling the truth… - Jorge accepts – so a fantasy… Do you have many fantasies? – he asks.

- Yes – he replies – many. So many – The laughter heard from the audience this time is more discreet, almost whispers, as if they are discussing among themselves what they could be.

- As you may know, you belong to a class, that group is already made and cannot be changed. I suppose you know that in this academy we form the groups so that you all share the same desires and fantasies. This makes it easier to organize classes, and it helps you progress faster. Did you know that what I’m telling you...

- Yes, sir – Marc replies, who has spent years finding out everything he could about what his stay at the academy would be like. Almost everything was a secret, but he had known that information for a long time.

- Well, you have been given a difficult role, you are the first of your class to come up here, so let me help you; I’m going to tell you some of the things we already know, so you just have to confirm it for us. Does that sound good to you?

- Yes, sir – he responds relieved.

- Well then… we know you like to be tied up, immobilized even, I would say. Is that true?

- It couldn’t be more true; the less I can move, the hotter I am. I especially like knowing there is no escape. I like being able to struggle as much as I want and not be able to free myself, like now, here tied up. I know that no matter how much I twist, my only way to escape is for you to free me.

- So, you’re hot? Now, I want to say… - Jorge asks.

- Yes – Marc replies, lowering his head.

- That’s good… In our knowledge, it is noted that you also like Alex to humiliate you and to piss on you. What can you tell us about that?

- It’s true, sir. I love it when my master shows me his power. Sometimes he walks me around the house on a leash on all fours, and sometimes he showers me with his piss. Other times he thrusts his cock in my ass and fills me with his urine. I don't know why, but I always enjoy it… Alex is very powerful – Marc states.

- You tell us that he pisses on you or fills your ass… Have you ever drunk his piss? – he asks.

- No – Marc replies briefly, with fear, already suspecting what the next question will be.

- Would you like to?

Yes? No? He doesn’t know… What to answer? What is the truth? The only thing he is sure of is that he doesn’t want another shock; his balls still hurt, but he’s going to have to take the risk. It will be the shock or the absence of it that indicates what his true desire is.

- Yes – he responds in a tone that almost sounds interrogative. Immediately, he feels the electric shock in his balls. This time, he tenses all his muscles, bearing the pain by pressing his back firmly against the wooden post of the cross. He doesn’t want to hit his head again like last time. It still hurts.

- I will ask you again… Would you like to drink your master's piss?

This time the answer is obvious…

- No! – he replies screaming between gasps – This time it catches him by surprise; the shock in his balls overwhelms him. His body was relaxed, and the pain is unbearable; he hasn’t had time to recover. He hits his head against the wood again; he cannot think, he feels a tear fall from his eyes. He closes them as hard as he can, like his jaw, preventing himself from screaming. What has happened? Neither yes nor no. Did IRIS make a mistake? That is impossible…

- I will ask you again… Would you like to drink your master's piss? – Jorge repeats, raising his voice and getting closer to him.

The truth! That is it. Telling the truth is the only thing he has to do.

- I don't know – he replies, sniveling.

- Explain yourself! - he commands.

- Well, I just don’t know. I know Alex would like me to do it, and I want to please him… - emboldened by the absence of shocks in his body, he continues - Does the idea excite me? – He asks himself – Yes. And if he ordered me to, I would do it. But it scares me, disgusts me even, I suppose, that’s why IRIS detected that I was lying when I said yes, that I wanted to do it.

- Do you see? It wasn’t so hard to tell the truth – he said while approaching him and stroking his cheek in a gesture of support – And don’t worry, that’s what the academy is for, to help you with what you struggle with. Don’t you think?

- Yes, sir, I think so… - responds Marc, who is beginning to lose strength.

- Tell me, Marc - Jorge says while stepping back again – Do you like having an audience while your master uses you?

- We have never tried it, but I think I would like it.

- Would you like to be used by others apart from your master? That Alex lent you to his friends whenever he pleased?

- I think so – he responds hesitantly, yet sincerely.

- Tell us, Marc… What is your opinion regarding pain? – It is a serious, important question, as Jorge has stopped pacing around the stage and has approached him again.

- I like it, I enjoy it. Well… we certainly haven’t experimented much in that area. But the little we’ve tried, I liked.

- Tell us what you have tried – Jorge demands.

- You know... a few spanks, clamps on my nipples, I like it when he slaps me when I suck him… - he explains – I suppose that's not much, that pain can be much worse, and… although it scares me a little, many times I fantasize about it when I masturbate.

- I see… Do you masturbate often?

- Yes, when I'm not wearing a chastity cage, of course – he says almost laughing at himself – Now I have been a week without cumming – he explains – Alex deemed it necessary for me to start with eagerness at the academy. He says it will make things easier for me.

- Your master is a smart guy, but you don’t seem very happy with that decision. Why?

- I like the cage, but I like it much more as something occasional; for me, the best part of wearing it is when he takes it off me, and I like that to happen often. But I also think he was smart not to let me cum in a week – he adds, looking for Alex’s eyes. He finds them, and that fills him with strength. His eyes return the gaze, proud of how he is behaving. Marc loves him so much that he cannot explain it.

- You will be glad to know that we are almost done. There is only one question left, do you have any fantasies that you haven't told us yet? Anything you haven't tried?

- Yes, sir, many.

- Tell me - Jorge demands.

- I don't know, getting punished in public and having everyone know why. That the catheter I have now, instead of ending in a bag, would put the piss back inside my ass. Filling me with my own piss, that would be fun. A latex vacuum bed, our tutors had one, I always wanted to try it, but I’ve never dared to ask for it.

- Those are nonsense, I’m asking for one in particular, you know which one, the darkest of all.

It can’t be, no one knows that. He has never told anyone. It’s impossible.

- You know which one I’m talking about, right?

- No, sir – he responds, preparing for the inevitable shock that shakes him inside. He has lied, and he has done so on purpose; he refuses to confess what they ask, he will not, no way. The pain is intense, but the consequences would be worse.

- Of course you know – Jorge tells him, smiling – but I’m going to give you a hint; I’m feeling generous today… – He approaches the table where his slave has remained all this time impassive and silent, rummaging through the papers. Finally, he returns with a sheet of paper in hand – This is a snippet of the interview we did with Alex; perhaps these words will refresh your memory…

- It’s just a few sentences, but it says: In these years with Marc, I have noticed a detail. On some occasions, watching old movies with him, scenes of executions appeared. As far as I remember, a hanged man with a rope, a prisoner immobilized on an execution gurney executed with an injection, and once even a young man having his head cut off with a guillotine. Marc never commented to me about it, but I observed how with these scenes, his package was always marked in his pants. – End quote – announces Jorge, leaving the sheet back on the table with a loud thud.

How could he? He trusted Alex; he couldn’t feel more betrayed. It was evidently true. But why did he tell it in his interview? It was just a fantasy, one that Marc did not wish to fulfill; he did not want to die. The academy was there to teach its students to fulfill all their desires. All. Without exceptions. He could not confess; he had to deny it at any cost.

- Does this refresh your memory? – Jorge asks, shouting. It seems it is the second time he has asked, but Marc, in an avalanche of thoughts, has not realized. Tears are pouring down his eyes in torrents.

- No – he replies crying and surrenders to the inevitable shock that once again torments his testicles.

- Tell us the truth, or it will be worse – he warns in a paternalistic tone that only sinks Marc deeper into his misery.

- No, sir – he shakes his head, convulsing. He is a limp weight that does not fight to offer any resistance; his balls are burning as if they are about to explode, but he must endure.

- Have you ever fantasized about Alex executing you after fucking you? – Jorge asks again when the final shock ends.

Marc tries with all his strength to break free from the bindings; he struggles with all his body, flexes his arms and legs, pushes his back against the cross, writhing with everything he has left. It is useless.

- Answer!

- No! – He screams, screams, empties his lungs until he runs out of air and starts coughing. His body disintegrates into a mix of coughing, gasping, sobbing, and convulsions.

- Tell us the truth, and it will all be over – he insists; Jorge will not give up either, and he has the odds in his favor…

- No, no… I can’t – Marc utters these words broken, physically and mentally impotent. This time he avoids the shock, as he has been sincere on the inside.

- Everyone present here already knows your fantasy; you just have to admit it, and it will all be over. Is it true that one of your fantasies is to be executed by your master after he uses you?

Marc cries - No! – he screams through sobs, aware of the futility of such an act. The electric shock overwhelms him again; his muscles tense a little, but he is so worn out that he simply hangs from the cross, crying, exhausted, enduring the torment.

When he opens his eyes, Alex is by his side, looking at him with pity, even sadness, but there is something in his eyes. A shine, a flicker; Marc doesn’t know exactly what it is, but on his face, he can see that he has enjoyed the scene, and this makes him happy.

- Permission to intervene – he requests from Jorge.

- Go ahead - Jorge answers.

Alex’s hand lands on his face, lovingly wiping his tears away – There is something you need to know… - Marc fixes his gaze on Alex’s eyes, hopeful – I’ve been told there is a way to fulfill your fantasy. Ours. – he corrects with a smile – I’ll tell you more details later, but basically, we will create an exact duplicate of your body; you will die in this one, and immediately after, you will wake up in the new one. You won’t feel any change; your new body will be as much yours as this one, you will retain all your memories, including your death. The best part is that we can do it as many times as we want – as he tells it, Alex observes how Marc’s face changes completely. In seconds, the terror leaves his features, and despite the precariousness of his situation and how much he has endured, he possesses an expression of excitement. A shared excitement.

- Now, please, answer honestly – he says while holding his head with both hands - Have you ever gotten excited thinking about being executed?

This time the tears that fall down his cheek are of relief; he finally knows what to answer. He feels free to do so. – Yes – he exclaims – For you to execute me after using me, or as punishment, or for your enjoyment, is one of my fantasies – he adds, looking him in the eyes.

Immediately after pronouncing the last word, and to Marc’s surprise, the straps that held his hands and ankles loosen. He floats in the air, falling. The descent lasts less than a second, but it seems eternal, ending in Alex's arms, who catches him in midair. With his numb arms, he wraps around his master's neck. Marc has never felt as free as he does now; he has just confessed to Alex and a whole theater full of people, the darkest of his desires. It is no longer a secret, it is a reality. A reality that the audience applauds.

Marc kisses Alex's neck as the audience expresses their approval. He loves him, desires him, wants him. Alex is his world. Gradually, he sets his feet on the ground and tries to hold himself up on his legs; he doesn’t even feel that part of his body. He seems to levitate under the threat of kissing the ground at any moment.

Jorge appears behind him and returns Alex the straitjacket. Right there in the middle of the stage, he once again confines Marc's arms between those layers of latex. This time, he tightens the straps a little less, firm but without overdoing it, as the boy seems exhausted. This time, the hook in his ass remains beneath the jacket, hidden, but inside.

The Interrogation – The Academy of Masters and Slaves – CHAPTER 7

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