- Carmelo: "Kid, will you accompany me to buy some shoes?... I promised Rolando the other day... and they have to work for both of us."
- Alex: "Dad, it's better to buy them online... you can hardly find large sizes in stores... my size still works but yours... also, I can wear your size even if they are a bit big on me."
- Carmelo: "Well, I don't really know how to do that."
- Alex: "Let's go to my computer and we can choose together... what colors do you have in mind?"
Once they were both in front of the computer, Alex entered a famous shopping site, started searching, and began pointing things out.
- Carmelo: "Definitely black... we have some red ones but we need more in your size and with higher heels... then I don't know, you tell me too."
- Alex: "Let's see if there are any gold ones... look, these are gold and open, they are held by the ankle and by a strap higher up that leaves the toes out... and of course, some pink ones to match the thong that Rolando gave me... but we could also buy some tights... look, the fishnet ones look more whorish... and better the ones that are above the knee, no pantyhose... because I’m sure they're going to stab us when we wear them."
- Carmelo: "Alex, you're going too fast... those open ones you mentioned are worn by women with painted nails."
- Alex: "If I hear the slightest suggestion from Rolando, I'll paint them... and I won't even take off the polish... I'd even go to university like that… in the end, no one will see that I have them painted."
- Carmelo: "So why?"
- Alex: "I would find it thrilling to go to university with painted nails because my macho wants it... even if no one sees them... I would know, hahaha... look dad... what do you think of these tight little shiny skirts?... we could buy the gold one and the silver one... that way we could be coordinated yet different."
- Carmelo: "I'm going to have to admit that Rolando is right that you've turned out more of a whore than I am."
- Alex: "Yes dad, and I want to be even more... I think I'm ahead of you."
- Carmelo: "Remember, I started at 14."
- Alex: "Yes, but then there was a long time with nothing... that's not going to happen to me."
- Carmelo: "And I don't wish that for you either."
In the end, they bought a pair of black heels, a pair of red heels, some pink ones, and the open gold ones. They also bought two mini skirts and four pairs of fishnet tights, two black pairs, one white pair, one red pair, and two more pairs, also black, classic but with a lace garter, very elegant.
Days later, Rolando was home alone reading a book when the doorbell rang. A delivery person came up with three packages, two large ones and one smaller one. He asked for Carmelo and Rolando replied that he wasn't home, but he could leave them with him.
- Rolando (calling Carmelo on his mobile): "Hello Carmelo, I’m calling because three packages arrived in your name, I didn't know you bought something."
- Carmelo: "Well, I bought them with Alex, you know I'm not very good at shopping online... but open them."
- Rolando: "No, you’ll open them when you get home."
- Carmelo: "Open them, if they’re for you... well, actually, they’re for your enjoyment."
- Rolando: "This smells funny to me... well, I’ll open them, bye."
Rolando opened them, and although he remembered that Carmelo asked him if he liked heels and that he would buy more, he didn't think he would actually do it.
- Rolando (calling Carmelo again): "Faggot!... I see how you both have accepted that you’re tremendous whores."
- Carmelo: "Of course we are, my macho... did you like everything?"
- Rolando: "A lot, a lot, I can already imagine both of you flitting around the living room in those high heels while I look at your asses and jerk off… but you know I’m not going to let you wait to use them, you’re going to debut at least some of this today… so when you come home, you know what’s going to happen... I'm not going to call your whore of a daughter, I'm sure she was the one who picked them, I don't want to interrupt her in case she’s in class, but I’ll send her a WhatsApp to let her know what's coming… what time do you think she’ll get home today?"
- Carmelo: "About 6 in the evening."
- Rolando: "And you, whore?"
- Carmelo: "Around the same time."
- Rolando: "Then set it up with her to pick you up so you both arrive home together... because if one gets home before the other, I won’t be able to hold back and wait for the other."
- Carmelo: "No problem, my macho, we’ll arrive together."
During the hours leading up to Carmelo and Alex’s arrival, Rolando remembered that he had recently run into a chef friend from a fine dining restaurant.
This was the conversation they had:
- Mauro: "Hello Rolando, how are you?"
- Rolando: "Hey Mauro, it’s been a while!... I'm good, and you? Are you still at that restaurant?"
- Mauro: "Not anymore! I retired two years ago."
- Rolando: "Really? I thought you’d never do it... with how much you love to cook and how good you are..."
- Mauro: "Well, I have to tell you that I haven't stopped cooking... look, since rooftops have become trendy and I live in a penthouse, I thought of hosting dinners... but it’s nothing official... it's just for friends and acquaintances... I know a lot of people from working there… so I set up an outdoor dinner with all the bells and whistles, tablecloths, cloth napkins, wine glasses, champagne... nothing bulky, I'd say more like a frugal yet elegant dinner... just on Fridays or Saturdays... when the weather is nice... once a week is enough for me to satisfy my vocation and my ego... plus I have more freedom at home to prepare my dishes."
- Rolando: "You’re making my mouth water... I hope I’m among those friends who can get an invite."
- Mauro: "Of course, here’s my card, there’s my number, call me and we’ll arrange how many you’re thinking of."
- Rolando: "There would only be three of us, me and two fags I’m seeing, who are father and son, the three of us live together."
- Mauro: "Damn Rolando! I've always thought of you as a real bastard... but being with father and son at the same time... you’re already making me curious and eager to meet them."
- Rolando: "Well, I won’t take long to call you, I have to go now, I’m in a bit of a hurry."
Remembering all this, Rolando changed his mind and instead of fucking them right away, he thought it would be better to debut their new outfits at an intimate outdoor dinner. Too bad, because he realized that there would be practically zero chance of Mauro accepting them for the same day. In any case, he decided to call him, the devil's in the details, and if not, he would ask for another weekend.
- Rolando (calling him on the phone): "Hello Mauro, how are you?"
- Mauro: "Good, good, and you dude, how’s it going? Still with that pair you told me about?"
- Rolando: "Good too... and yes, I'm still the same and I hope it doesn’t change... hey, I called you regarding that... I find it impossible... but I wanted to take them to dinner at what you have set up at your place today... and well, if that's not possible, then for another weekend..."
- Mauro: "Any anniversary or something that slipped your mind?"
- Rolando: "No, nothing like that, let me explain... the thing is, the whores bought some outfits online... I had no idea... and then, being home alone, the delivery guy came, I opened the package and wow... several pairs of heels, tights, mini skirts… in short, it seemed to me that the best idea would be to take them out to dinner… I know they'll like it a lot because your food is excellent."
- Mauro: "Well, you’re in luck... well, both of us... an hour ago someone canceled on me, due to a heart attack dude... and I have everything prepared. That said, I usually arrange with the client what they want to eat... I don't prepare many alternative dishes... it can't be done, it’s only one table... and what I have is lobster cocktail, roast beef, and for dessert chocolate coulant with tangerine ice cream."
- Rolando: "That menu is more than perfect, I’d say it’s better than what I would have suggested... plus I know everything will be delicious."
- Mauro: "So what time do you want to come?"
- Rolando: "I’d like to arrive early so we can chat for a bit, have a drink before dinner... I don’t know, if it sounds good to arrive around 8 and have dinner at 9."
- Mauro: "Done."
- Rolando: "One last question Mauro… look, I have a plan with them… I want them to have dinner in long-sleeve shirts, as befits a dinner of your caliber... but below, I want them in thongs, tights, heels, and mini skirts... first, I’m not sure if that’s possible... it's just that I don’t know what your penthouse is like... if the neighbors can see..."
- Mauro: "No problem, there are no neighbors that can see, my building is taller than those surrounding it."
- Rolando: "And one last thing, can they change in your room?... it’s just that I don’t want to take them out of the house dressed like whores... nor do I want them to be seen arriving like that in your neighborhood."
- Mauro: "Of course, they will have my room and my bathroom to change... bastard... do you know that I'm curious to see how you treat them?"
- Rolando: "You’ll be surprised more to see how they treat me."
Rolando chose what each could wear. Alex would wear the open gold heels, red fishnet tights, red thong, and the gold mini skirt, while Carmelo would wear closed black heels, black tights, and thong, and the silver mini skirt. He looked for a briefcase and put all of this inside. He also added a tube of gel that gave a wet look for their hair. Then he looked in the closets and selected the shirts, pants, and shoes that the three would wear. The pants and shoes that Carmelo and Alex would wear didn't matter, but they needed something to wear to get there. Then he went downstairs and put the briefcase in the car's trunk.
At 6 o'clock in the evening, Carmelo and Alex arrived.
- Rolando: "Hello whores… total change of plans, both of you straight to the shower, I'm not going to fuck you now... I'm taking you out to dinner."
- Carmelo (surprised): "But it’s early… there’s still time, right?"
- Rolando: "We have time, but not too much... even though dinner is at 9, we must arrive by 8 to have a drink first."
- Carmelo: "I was thinking of shaving today."
- Rolando: "That's not a bad idea, I don’t like hairy women... they have time, both of you get in there now, help each other shave and shower... I think the creams they use only need 5 or 10 minutes."
- Alex: "I think I need to iron the pants I’m going to wear."
- Rolando: "Not a chance, I already looked at the clothes you’re going to wear."
- Alex: "But macho, I'm going to look like a nobody."
- Rolando: "And what do you think you are?"
- Alex: "Hahaha, that's true, macho."
They came out of the bathroom, and Rolando accompanied them, first to Carmelo's room.
- Rolando: "You’re going to wear this shirt, I think it’s the best you have... these pants and these shoes."
- Carmelo: "I prefer these other ones, if you don't mind."
- Rolando: "It doesn't matter, wear whichever you want."
Carmelo stayed to get dressed while the other two went to Alex’s room.
- Rolando: "You’ll wear this shirt, these pants, and these shoes."
- Alex: "Those are the pants I told you I needed to iron, they’re washed but I haven’t had time to iron them."
- Rolando: "Not another word, you’re putting them on as they are."
- Alex: "Oh, but my macho!"
- Rolando: "I told you, not another word, can’t you hear me or what?"
- Alex: "Yes, yes, as you say."
By 7 o'clock, the three were ready and went down to get the car. Rolando took the wheel, and they began to drive through the streets. Neither Carmelo nor Alex had the slightest idea where they were going. Rolando found parking not far from Mauro's house. He got out of the car, opened the trunk, and grabbed the briefcase.
- Alex: "Are we going to the restaurant with a briefcase?"
- Rolando (smiling): "The chef is a friend of mine... it’s our thing."
They arrived at the door of the building. Rolando pressed the intercom button.
- Carmelo: "This doesn’t look like a restaurant."
- Alex: "Dad, maybe it’s a rooftop, they’ve become trendy."
- Rolando (smiling): "Baby, you hit the nail on the head."
They went up to the top floor marked by the elevator. It was a duplex penthouse, originally consisting of a large living-dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a staircase leading to another very spacious room, with a bathroom, level with the rooftop. But upon retiring, Mauro had made renovations and divided that room to have another kitchen for the rooftop dinners.
- Mauro: "Good evening, welcome."
- Rolando: "This is Mauro, a very good friend of mine and an excellent chef… and these are the two whores, father and son, that I told you I live with… they are Carmelo and Alex although I often call them Carmela and Alexa."
- Mauro: "And what should I call them?"
- Rolando: "You’ll see for yourself when you let them in and get them ready."
- Mauro: "Well, let’s go up, take the briefcase with you, let’s all go... there’s another room upstairs."
Alex was intrigued to hear about "getting ready" but neither he nor Carmelo said a word. Upon arrival, they saw the table set with everything. The night, the temperature, and the view of the city lights were perfect.
- Alex: "What a marvel!... thanks Rolando."
- Rolando: "You're welcome, my baby."
- Carmelo: "Shall we sit at the table already?"
- Rolando: "No... now you and Alex have to change."
- Carmelo: "How?"
- Rolando: "Mauro is kind enough to offer you the room, and the bathroom if you need it, to get pretty... you can keep the shirts but underneath, you Carmela, you’ll wear the silver mini skirt, thong, black tights, and black heels... and you Alexa, you’ll wear the gold mini skirt, red thongs and tights, and open gold shoes... plus there’s also a tube of wet look gel for your hair, both of you use a generous amount."
- Alex: "Now I get it! that’s why you said it didn’t matter how the pants were."
- Mauro: "It’s incredible how you handle them, how you treat them, I’ve always thought you were a bit of a bastard... but I’ve never seen you like this."
- Rolando: "Well, while they change, we can have a drink, you and I."
- Mauro: "Sure, but for that, let’s go to those two chairs over there because later, when you move to the table, I switch into chef mode, I focus on the food, serving you, and even though I’m your friend, I stick to the ethics of keeping my distance from the diners… not just for you… Carmelo and Alex will surely feel more comfortable if, as a waiter should, I appear to be disappearing and still attentive to anything you need… privacy is a huge part of the success of these dinners I offer… what do you want to drink?... for dinner, as I told you, they’ll have champagne but now as friends, whatever you want."
- Rolando: "As you see fit… I don’t know, a “whiskey on the rocks”, how does that sound?"
- Mauro: "Perfect, I’ll be right back."
Mauro quickly returned with two glasses of whiskey. After a while, Carmelo and Alex, now dressed like whores, approached them while Mauro and Rolando were still finishing their drinks.
- Carmelo: "We’re ready."
- Rolando: "But we haven’t finished yet... while we finish our whiskey, I want to see you walk, click your heels all over the rooftop, you can look side to side, the views are great from here... but all as whores, swaying your hips... and you Carmelo, watch how your daughter walks... she does it better than any woman and any whore."
And although they were doing it to follow orders, walking back and forth in heels and dressed as they were felt good to them, they liked it a lot. They were outdoors, they had never been dressed like whores in the open air. Besides, they knew their macho was not taking his eyes off them, taking a sip, saying something to Mauro, but soon returning to look at them. Both felt like very desired females, and that's what they wanted the most. The embarrassment they felt at first with Mauro didn’t last long, they knew that even before arriving, the chef already knew they were Rolando’s whores, so why hold back, if they know you’re a whore, it’s better to be a good one, and they started shaking their butts more as they walked. Shortly after, Rolando called them.
- Rolando: "Come here, whores, to the table now."
They sat down at the table. Mauro, as he had told Rolando earlier, automatically turned into a shadow, he approached them, served them, and disappeared, but as soon as a glass was empty, he reappeared like magic and filled it with more champagne.
- Carmelo: "That lobster cocktail was so good! it’s the best I've ever eaten in my life."
- Alex: "Yeah dad, and the roast beef too, did you see how good the sauce was?"
- Carmelo: "Yes, everything was delicious."
- Rolando: "He's a great chef, I told you so before."
- Carmelo: "And classy… dressed in a spotless uniform despite this not being a restaurant setting."
- Rolando: "Here, everyone has to dress as they should."
- Carmelo (smiling at him): "Yes, us like a pair of whores, you as a man, by the way, you look very elegant, and Mauro like a real professional."
- Alex: "I liked a lot that you chose these open-heeled shoes for me today."
- Rolando: "It's that you have very pretty feet, baby."
- Alex: "Thanks, daddy."
- Carmelo: "You know what I’m thinking, Rolando?"
- Rolando: "Tell me."
- Carmelo: "That the first time you fucked me, you did it outdoors, and now you’ve brought me to eat dressed as a whore, also outdoors… and I liked it, being outdoors dressed as a whore feels good, it makes me feel freer… I thank you."
And when she said this, she moved her hand under the table to Rolando's leg, moving it up until she reached his package.
- Rolando: "Save that for later or tomorrow."
- Carmelo: "It’s just that you have impressed me with this dinner you brought us to."
They were finishing dessert when Rolando thought it was the right moment to speak.
- Rolando: "Now I want you to listen to me, I want to tell you something."
Both Alex and Carmelo lifted their heads and looked at him intently, both immediately sensed he wanted to speak to them seriously.
- Rolando: "The fact that I improvised this dinner today was because I saw everything you bought... but I had intended it before, even before I ran into my friend Mauro and he explained the dinners he was hosting..."
He paused, took a sip, and continued.
- Rolando: "I wanted to celebrate several things with you. First, to thank you for how you’ve changed my life, how good I feel with you and how you treat me... in my life, I have never felt better or more at home than now... Secondly, and much more importantly than the first, is to celebrate the negative results of Carmelo’s tests after a period of monitoring. At that time, even though I had to keep it together for you and your son, I felt very bad inside... And thirdly, the high grades that Alex has achieved in university, which shows that besides being very intelligent… we already knew that… he is a responsible kid, who shows us that one can be who they want sexually while being responsible in terms of academic and family life… because Alex, you adore your father... I still can’t shake the image of how you reacted when he was hospitalized… your father must be prouder of you than anything... I want us to toast to all that."
Rolando stood up to toast, and Carmelo and Alex simultaneously stood up without thinking, approached him, and gave him hugs. Then they returned to their seats and all three raised their glasses.
Mauro saw and heard everything from where he was. He realized that although two of the three were dressed like whores, when there was so much sincerity, so much truth, they didn’t look ridiculous at all.
The Father, the Son and Rolando VI
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