Later on I left the restaurant ... thinking that undoubtedly everything was becoming too surreal and hoping that things wouldn't get more complicated, How did Pedro end up at Cristian's house that night? Did Pedro follow me to Pinar de la Elipa? ...
Now that it seemed like everything was settled with Celio, I felt an incredible burden of knowing that the situation could repeat itself but this time with Pedro, on top of that Pedro and Celio are always together in the kitchen, I hope Cristian hasn't blabbed and told him about what happened with Celio ...
Every time I had to do something in the kitchen, I felt like both of them followed me, daring behind me, when they had to pick something up and they got close to me ....
I really tried to be in the kitchen as little as possible, I didn't want either of them to suspect anything ...
During the afternoon break one day I was alone with Pedro, nothing happened but I had doubts that I needed answers to.
Me: Hey Pedro how did you end up at Cristian's house that night?
Pedro: Haha why do you want to know?
Me: Damn Pedro, what do you think? The situation was peculiar and I didn't know you had such a close relationship with Cristian, especially for something like this ...
Pedro: Cristian and I through some mutual acquaintances have gone out partying a few times, one time I was looking for him because he had the tobacco and I was told he went to the car to get something, I went to the open area and when I arrived a guy was giving him a blowjob, I was in shock but I stayed watching and he realized and gestured for me to come closer.
We were drunk so I didn't think much, I unzipped my fly, took out my dick and the guy also sucked me off, I had never been with a guy before ... until that day.
It happened a second time and then a third time he called me, it was more complete at his house ... Cristian hadn't called me for something like that in months, but he called me recently ... he said come I have a surprise, and what a surprise when I saw you handcuffed, naked and with a blindfold.
I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to repeat it but only with you... So one time I followed you, I suppose I couldn't find the courage to talk to you so I simply followed you after work one Friday and you went into Pinar de la Elipa, I was amazed by what I saw there, I saw you touching yourself, I saw you sucking some guy ... until the last time I followed you and you went into Elipa, I took the plunge and well ... what happened happened.
Me: wow! Pedro, and you tell it as if it were nothing ...
Pedro: After what I did to you, I don't think it will surprise you much...
I was stunned as Pedro told me so naturally what had happened...
Me: Does Cristian know?
Pedro: Nah I don't talk to him truthfully, beyond what has happened ... why?
Me: Nothing, just curious...
Pedro: I want you to do something ...
Me: Like what?
Pedro: I want you to call Cris and tell him you want to repeat, but with me, with the guy I took to his house...
Me: but...
Pedro: do you want to or not? You know you'll enjoy it, and Cristian won't know that you know it's me, but I don't want it at his house, tell him you have something for him, take him to Pinar de la Elipa, tell him you want them to see how you're being used...
Me: Pedro, you're going too far...
Pedro: you're gonna do it! Tell him you want his friend to come and you want us to use you there...
Just imagining the situation gave me so much excitement, I wrote to Cristian, he was amazed and agreed...
The next Friday I went alone, and met with Cristian... we went in and when we arrived at a specific point, he made me kneel to suck, you couldn't see anything but there were guys looking around.
Cristian took out his phone, I guess he was textin Pablo who was waiting nearby... then he came, with his mouth covered and a hood, I knew it was him once he put his dick in my mouth, I was there on my knees sucking two strangers in front of others.
Cristian: Strip naked, all of it...
I didn't resist and obeyed them, I was completely naked, used my clothes to rest on my knees and kept sucking, I kept getting slapped by both.
Cristian: you're such a whore and slut ... suck that cock, bitch...
Pedro leaned against a tree nearby, Cristian lifted me and made me suck while bent over, he stood behind and started fucking me...
This time it hurt a bit but I was so turned on that I just wanted him to continue...
I couldn't stop moaning while Pedro was choking me with his dick and Cristian was pounding my ass and face and slapping me.
Cristian gave a condom to Pedro and said...
Cristian: here, fuck her, but use a condom, this slut will only get pregnant by me...
That bastard feels like I'm his property? That phrase got me so hot....
They kept up the pace, Cristian fucked me again and Pablo fucked my mouth, they both practically came at the same time...
Cristian told me to stay still there, leaning against the tree as he savored Pedro's cum.
He said goodbye to Pedro...
Cristian: Well, hope you enjoyed this time, see you...
He approached me and whispered in my ear that he wasn't done with me, his cum had to be mixed with mine.
Cristian: Hey you! The one in the blue coat, come here... take her and fuck her.
He handed a condom to a guy, I didn't react, I was leaning against the tree completely naked with my ass craving dick... Cristian came close to my ear and told me that I was just a hole to satisfy, that my face, my blisters leather and the tree, and my ass in ask for dick...
I felt that guy start to fuck me, I was already dilated, it wasn't a big dick but it felt amazing, the guy fucked me fast and came in 3 min...
I heard Celio telling another... here, now you fuck her.
Cristian approached me again...
Cristian: This black guy I think is going to leave you wide open...
Indeed, that dick couldn't fit all the way in my ass, it was a monster, he fucked me so hard that Cris had to cover my mouth so my screams wouldn't be heard so much....
The black guy kept going for over 5 minutes without stopping and without mercy
After him... honestly the 3 that came after I barely felt, my ass was so dilated
Celio: come on, put on your clothes and get lost...
My legs were trembling, my ass hurt, I obeyed and left, I couldn't believe what had just happened, I really am just a fucking hole, unknown people have used me as they pleased and I couldn't even see...
I can only think if this will escalate...
Used by my colleagues part8
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