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Spiritual Retreats – Chapter 5

Written by: LaBocaMia

7 months

I walked silently until I reached the house and then my room, I found that I had left the light on, something that would make me doubt later, I turned it off immediately and positioned myself at the window to see what was still happening out there and then I saw the two monitors pass by, both wearing only their suspensories, Daniel still had the cloth gag in his mouth, which I found very morbid, he walked clumsily, complaining of pain in his anus, in his hand his tunic or what was left of it and cleaning Adolfo's semen running down his legs, Andrés pressured him to walk faster, he cleaned his abdomen, chest, chin, and mouth with his tunic and looked around making sure no one saw them.

I took off my tunic as best as I could, I showered quickly to remove the sweat, wash my dick from the cum I had just had and get into my bed more relaxed but my mind wouldn't let me sleep peacefully, I thought of Adolfo, I hadn't seen him from the window, which made me think of two possibilities, he had gone to the house I saw in the afternoon behind the agora or he had left before the monitors towards the farm house and if so, it was very likely that he had seen me enter, the second terrified me, I couldn't imagine being at the mercy of the driver knowing some secret of mine, additionally, I tried to remember some windows I saw with the light on as I returned to my room, that meant there were still students awake and that made me think that some of them could have seen or spied on me and that idea terrified me, a light I remembered seeing between rooms 8 and 10, and the other between 12 and 14, the first distressed me because in one of those rooms Sebastian was staying and the second terrified me because they were supposed to be empty, they had been inhabited by the three expelled, "why then was one of their lights on?, who could be there and for what purpose?", I thought trying to sleep, it was difficult but in the end I did it.

The next morning I begged for two more hours of sleep, I felt exhausted and poorly rested, I procrastinated as much as I could and went straight to the shower, I was already calmer until I put on the tunic and saw the disaster, a stain on the chest area revealed my leaning against that tree and at the height of my dick another stain of dried semen, "My God! I'm in serious trouble," I immediately thought, "will I be the next one expelled from El Edén or the next one publicly punished like Sebastian and his "lavaperros" were the morning before?, I wondered anxiously, I decided to wet a towel and pass it over the stains to conceal them a bit, I didn't achieve my goal but something was done and I decided to go out for breakfast, I was one of the first to arrive and I sat distantly so that no one would notice my disaster, I managed to see other students enter and seeing some tunics with some yellowish urine stains in the pelvic area, others with sweat stains under the armpits and others with marks of dirty hands, I calmed down a bit, it was expected, white tunics worn day and night were not going to be clean all the time, but that calm lasted shortly, after a few moments I felt someone at my back and whispering in my ear: "So your thing is to spy and be aware of what others are doing?" , I immediately turned and found Sebastian who continued saying to me: "last night I saw from my room window how you were observing something happening in that garden, I saw you jerking off until you ejaculated, surely watching something morbid and sexual, which is what fags like you love and although I don't like men, and guys like you disgust me, seeing you there with that ass you have, aroused me a lot because I know you're hungry for this dick," as he grabbed it over his tunic, "I eagerly await the moment you willingly seek me to break that ass like it's never been broken before or else all of El Edén will find out about your antics and contract violations, I'm not the only one who deserves to be punished here, do you understand?" he finished by saying, grabbing my head and affirming this by me, then he sat at one of the dining tables.

The words of that troglodyte paralyzed me, I felt in his power, he had me in his hands and that terrified me, but at the same time it excited me, my dick was at 100% and it was only 8:10 am of my second day of retreats, I couldn't believe what was happening to me, breakfast didn't feel right and although I was aware that this was one of the possible consequences of my actions, I never imagined that someone was also spying from one of those windows, how wrong I was!.

I quickly ate a piece of bread and washed it down with orange juice and before more students arrived, I went back to my room to process or digest or whatever you want to call it, the threat I had just received, I was really anxious, also I still had to face Carlos with my dirty tunic, it was okay to have it like that due to normal daily use, but how was I going to justify my stain to the leader of the spiritual retreats?, I visualized myself in front of everyone receiving the punishment I deserved or being expelled from the farm house, my outlook was not the most encouraging, to say the least.

I spent 30 minutes going through everything that was happening to me in my head, waiting for it to be 9:00 am to go to our first activity of the day, I also tried to recover a bit from how poorly I had slept but it wasn't possible and with just 10 minutes left, I got up, brushed my teeth, adjusted my tunic looking at the tree mark again, reminding me of my embarrassing situation and headed to the hall, this time it was located on the third floor of the house building area, I arrived right on time for the start, this one had chairs for us to sit on, I was looking for a place to sit and I could see a kind of platform where Carlos and his two monitors were, this time I was surprised to see leather straps around their waists on their tunics, I imagined the worst!, I locked eyes with both monitors, especially with Andrés who, seeing my dirty tunic, put on a face of "what the hell happened there?", I looked away and met Carlos' furious face, I had seen it the day before and knew that the worst was coming for me, I was about to sit down when the leader told me: "if I were you, Mr. Aristizábal, I wouldn't sit down, I believe you owe an explanation to everyone about the meaning of that stain on your tunic, so come to the front immediately, when everyone is seated and I give the order, you will tell us where that stain came from and I hope you have a very good explanation because otherwise, you already know the consequences, is that clear Mr. Pablo?", I nodded and went to the front to wait for the rest of the students, Andrés looked at me as if to say, "I told you so", but at the same time he looked worried, I think he was deducing where I might have gone and the closer I got to that platform, the more worried he looked, did the monitor understand that I had spied on his scene last night with Adolfo and Daniel?.

I stood where I was told, waiting for the moment to speak, brainstorming a thousand ideas but I couldn't concentrate, I just thought about my punishment, at that moment Santiago entered who, on seeing me there, was surprised and looked at me for answers, I could only shrug at him like a scolded child, and when he sat down pointing to his chest asking me what had happened to my tunic and Carlos interrupted saying: "please sit down quickly and any doubts you have, this gentleman standing here will clarify them for you," the rest of those arriving were talking, when through the door Sebastián, Manuel and Esteban entered, they were wearing their tunics and underneath they wore some baggy pants, sweatshirts, or whatever you call them in your country, I felt Carlos's agitated breathing on my back as he saw them arrive like that and immediately, with a strong voice, he ordered me to sit down again but not before telling me that my issue was postponed, he waited for the three newcomers to choose where to sit and before they bent down to do so, he said angrily: "gentlemen, I thought I had been clear enough with you on how the uniform should be worn in this place, you know you should not sit down and should stand immediately on this platform", Manuel and Esteban looked at Sebastián in protest and walked to the front, the latter stopped them and said firmly and challengingly: "you are not going anywhere, I am the one giving the orders and not this gentleman", Carlos seethed with anger, he could only be heard saying: "if you didn't understand the hard way, then you'll understand the worst" and left the room.

Spiritual Retreats – Chapter 5

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