At the start of the year, they had changed the prison director. The previous one was a gutless guy, he didn't know how to command, he couldn't impose himself, and he was incapable of maintaining order, discipline, and cutting off the ever-growing drug trafficking.
The dealing had always been controlled by the officials, who were making a fortune by introducing and selling all kinds of illegal substances to the inmates, but the director was incompetent and had managed to stop the officials from dealing, allowing the inmates and their families to take over the business, which was unbearable for the older officials.
Because of this, the older and more corrupt officials prepared a fake riot with trusted inmates to bring down the idiot director, whose name no one mentioned, as he had been directly replaced by his nickname "The Useless."
New year, new life. The incoming director was a tall and slender guy, with a mustache, military-style buzz cut, and appeared to be between 45 and 50 years old. He spoke little, and when he did, it was to give sharp orders. He didn’t ask questions or show doubts; whatever he didn't know, he ensured it went unnoticed.
He knew that to last in the position, he needed to keep the officials happy, and the best way was to fill their pockets and return them to complete control of the drug trade within the prison.
As soon as he arrived, they gave him the nickname that he would carry until his last day, "The Stiff."
Well, The Stiff, in addition to being intelligent, sly, cunning, treacherous, and corrupt, was a QUEER, but without flamboyance and did not like to have sex just for the sake of it; he liked to dominate, humiliate, and rape, but lacked the necessary physical strength to do it himself. Despite his height, he was slender and not very strong.
The strength of the Stiff came from his cunning, his malice, and his ability to organize plots and schemes to ensnare the poor wretches of the prison.
Shortly after arriving, he began to weave his web to trap all those who were dealing, to bring them down and replace them with officials who would provide the goods to the inmates.
He decided to do it in a cruel way to set an example.
His first task was to gain the trust of the chief of all officials, not the official chief, but the one whom everyone treated as number one, even though there were two above him in the hierarchy.
His name was Pedro, but everyone knew him as "The Buckle" because he wore a belt with a large buckle shaped like a smiling skull that displayed a gold tooth. When any inmate annoyed him, they applied the "P.A.P.I.," protocol for helping the incorrigible inmate. That is, the dissenting inmate was tied to the gym's wall bars by several people, his butt was smeared with oil to avoid cuts, and then The Buckle would slowly remove his belt and proceed, not to whip him, but to mark the unfortunate soul with the buckle. They would give him a good string of buckle strikes, to such an extent that the buckle would engrave dozens of times on the butt of the rebel, and then they would mark his back with the leather until the inmate shouted at the top of his lungs the phrase that everyone had to say whenever they were punished:
The Buckle, who was a thorough sadist, would attach a microphone to the wall bars at almost the inmate's mouth level so that during the punishment, his screams could be heard over the prison's PA system. That way, when the inmate humiliated himself by thanking for the punishment, he humiliated himself in front of all the inmates at once, sinking into physical and moral misery, and this greatly pleased The Buckle and his colleagues.
The Stiff called The Buckle to his office, ready to make him work for him in exchange for returning his old privileges:
"Good morning, Pedro, or do you prefer Buckle?"
"As you prefer, Mr. Luis... or Stiff, you know, without disrespecting you, since everyone has baptized you this way."
"I know, I know, haha, don’t worry, we're here to get along and put things in order. Everything that 'The Useless' messed up, you and I are going to fix if you help me."
"What do you mean specifically? That Useless messed up everything he touched, so you could be referring to anything, and excuse me for speaking ill of a director."
"Calm down, I’m aware of everything; let's get to the point, no formalities, I don’t like to waste time. I know you are a bunch of corrupt thieves worse than many of the inmates..."
"What you hear, let’s stop with the nonsense; I know why you staged the riot against the useless guy, and I’m here to fix that. From now on we are going to implement a program to regain total control of the drug trade in the prison, identifying and neutralizing any inmate who engages in that activity until there is none left, and you, the officials, will be the ones trafficking and taking all the money, without exception. Do you think you and I will understand each other, Buckle?"
The Buckle, somewhat surprised by the Stiff's brutal frankness, had just heard exactly what he had been dreaming of for four damn years that The Useless had messed up everything. With his eyes wide open and a half-smile, he said:
"Wow, sir... I rarely have the certainty that I would understand someone as well as I do with you."
"I suspected it, haha..."
The Stiff got up, went to a cabinet in his office, and took out a bottle of Tequila Don Julio 1942, poured two generous shots, and offered one to The Buckle:
"Here you go, today and now we sign with this drink the pact that will lead us to become the Masters and Lords of this pigsty full of rats, which we are going to subdue and use at our whim and for our exclusive benefit and pleasure!"
The Buckle raised his glass and, smiling like a scavenger raven, said:
"I toast to that, Chief!!!"
The new prison director
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