-- "Do you want milk, whore?"
The message surprised me. Immediately I read his profile and my breath caught: "I LOVE SADISM. I’m looking for a piece of meat to use, abuse, and transform, physically and mentally. THE ONLY LIMITS I SET: YOU WILL NOT SUFFER PERMANENT DAMAGE, NOR WILL I INTERFERE WITH YOUR ECONOMIC LIFE. “EVERYTHING” ELSE YOU WILL END UP DOING. IF YOU ARE WILLING TO BURN YOUR BOATS, COME, WHORE. IF NOT, DON'T EVEN SPEAK TO ME."
-- "Yes, MASTER," I replied. I don’t quite know why. I come from a bad sentimental moment and I know something inside me is pushing me to take a leap in my life. The profile was somehow terrifying, but at the same time it touched an inner nerve that drew me to HIM like a moth to a flame.
-- "Did you read my profile, filthy whore?"
-- "Yes, MASTER."
-- "Are you aware that for me this is not a game and that once you are in my power there is no turning back nor any limits other than common sense?"
I froze in time. Was I aware of where I was getting into? What if he was a psychopath? But I can smell psychopaths (I have years of serving as a slave) and I need to move forward in my life to what I really am. For some reason, life opens doors for you and this was a door that I knew I had to enter. What I was still not really aware of at that moment was that after entering, the door would close forever.
-- "Yes, MASTER, I am aware."
-- "Tomorrow I want to test you, whore. You will present yourself completely shaved, from neck to toes, and clean, inside and out. To me, you are neither Man nor Woman, you are a whore and a piece of meat. Always in the feminine. What are you?"
-- "I am a whore and a piece of meat, MASTER."
-- "What are you going to do tomorrow?"
-- "I will shave everything and clean inside and out, and go where you indicate so YOU can test me, MASTER."
-- "Good filthy whore. Tomorrow you will go to the Cine Ideal at 8 p.m. and you will position yourself in the dark room. Until I decide otherwise, you will be very much a whore and you will not reject anyone, nor anything, do you understand? How much of a whore you are and how much milk you drink will determine whether I’m interested in you or not. Do you understand?"
-- "Yes, MASTER," I responded without thinking but my mind was petrified. I didn’t want to think. I realized immediately where I was getting into. It’s not that I didn’t know, but the magnitude of what was coming overwhelmed me. I tried not to think. I didn’t think. I repeated to myself over and over like a mantra: "it's what you are; accept it..."
-- "I want to see you in action, whore. If you give me pleasure, your destiny will be in my hands and there will be no more limits in your life. Let’s get to work, whore."
Do you want milk, bitch?
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