Contenido 18+

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Enslaved 4

Escrito por: MaOr

6 meses

I stayed on the floor, intending to sleep for about 3 hours and rest, nervously hoping not to oversleep, but I had no other option. I couldn't set an alarm as Juan had taken my phone from me on the first day, having total control over my communication with my family and friends.

I heard a loud crash that woke me up. When I looked at the clock in the living room, it was 2:30 am. I had slept 30 minutes longer than planned. I managed to get up and looked out the window to see what the noise was, and it turned out to be a two-car crash. Without wasting any more time, I started doing the pending tasks. I decided to write my apology and adoration letter to my master since the university assignment was due on Monday. If I couldn't finish it in time, I hoped my master would understand and give me another day to complete it. In the letter, I wrote everything I could think of to try to calm his anger towards me. Among many things, I told him, "you were the first person in my life that truly needed devotion, idolatry, and admiration from me. I would dedicate every second of my life to worship you more and more as you deserve. I understand perfectly that the purpose of my life is to be at your feet."

After an hour, I finished the letter. I had 3 hours to complete the musical scores. When I realized I had no way to research on the internet, my master had my phone and had put a password on my computer, and waking him up was not an option. I decided to lie down on the floor to sleep. I woke up at 6:15 am, just in time to start preparing my master's breakfast. At this point, I was hungry, so I seized the opportunity and ate 2 bread rolls. I finished at 6:57 and carefully opened Juan's bedroom door. On the tray, I had his breakfast, a glass of chocolate drink, and the letter I wrote.

The alarm sounded, and he woke up, stretching. I approached him a bit:

Jose: Good morning, my master, here's your breakfast.

Juan: Place the tray in front of me. (He lay down on his stomach)

Jose: As you command, master.

Juan: While I have breakfast, I want you to lick my a**.

Jose: (I simply nodded, got on my knees, placing my face in front of his backside, pulled down his shorts and boxers, and began my task.)

Juan began to eat and read the letter. After about 5 minutes, he said:

Juan: I hope what's written in this letter is true, and you dedicate yourself strongly to fulfilling my desires without making me angry like yesterday. Where is the music score?

Jose: Master, it's just that...

Juan: I am not interested in your excuses! Did you do the musical score? Answer yes or no!

Jose: No, my master.

Juan: Yesterday, I clearly stated what your punishment would be if the letter or the score was missing. I'll give you 20 seconds to explain why you disobeyed me.

Jose: I beg your pardon for my disobedience, my master, but I had no way to research as I don't have a phone or computer. (Here, I decided to kiss his backside and ask for forgiveness.)

Juan: Well, I'll let it pass this time. Before I go to sleep tonight, I will set the password on the computer so that you can only work on the assignment.

Jose: Yes, master, thank you very much.

Juan: Now, take me to the bathroom and give me a shower.

I got down on all fours, Juan sat on me, and I led him to the bathtub. He got in and laid down, and I started to run the water and soap his entire body. After bathing him, I dried him off and carried him on my back to his room.

Juan: Now go, bathe quickly and get dressed. When I'm finished getting ready, I want you on all fours in front of my door to take me to the car.

I just nodded and hurried to the bathroom, quickly showered, put on the first clothes I found, and got on all fours in front of my master's door. About 3 minutes later, he came out, and without saying anything, he sat on me and, as usual, hit me on the abdomen with his shoes. We reached the parking lot, and I stood by the driver's door. This time, Juan used me as a table, and then he sat in the car. I got up and headed to the passenger seat and got in.

Juan: And who told you that was your seat? I remind you that in your letter, you said your place in life is beneath my feet, so come here. (giving me a tap on the head)

Jose: I'm sorry, my master. (I proceeded to step out and return to the driver's door)

Juan: I want your head there and lie face up. (pointing with his finger to the area beside the pedals)

I bent down, trying to calculate how to enter to end up facing up and raise my legs to place them between Juan's seat and the door. But Juan closed the door quickly, and one of my feet was still outside, being hit hard by the door.

Juan: You're too slow. (He kicked my face with his shoe.)

I managed to pull my foot in just in time as Juan slammed the door harder, but this time, he didn't hit me with it. Juan started the car and waited for it to warm up.

Juan: What are you waiting for to take off my shoe and adore it? (He hit me harder with the shoe)

Jose: (I untied his shoes, removed his sock and began to kiss, suck, and lick every inch of his foot.)

Juan drove away, and we headed to the university. The university is relatively close to the apartment, about 5 minutes by car, but due to the time, it took us about 10 minutes. During this time, I didn't stop worshipping his foot.

When we arrived at the university, Juan parked, opened the door, and gave me a little push on my legs, making me fall to the ground.

Juan: What are you taking so long to put on my sock and shoe? (Juan was sitting with both legs hanging from the seat ready to get out)

Jose: I'm sorry, master. I hit my head hard. (I literally saw stars and felt a little dizzy.)

Juan: How pathetic you are. I'm tired of waiting.

Juan lunged at me, falling on top of my stomach. Since I wasn't expecting it, I moved a lot when he fell on me.

Juan: Don't move, trash. (He jumped and landed on top of my penis.)

Juan: Put on the sock. (He put his foot right on my face, and I had the sock in my hand. I had been holding it since I removed it.)

Jose: Yes, master. (I wore the sock and just then Juan threw his shoe at my head. I caught it and put it on.)

Juan: Take me to the classroom.

Not wanting more hits, I obeyed, but I was afraid of what would happen when others saw us. He sat down, and I started moving towards the classroom. It was a horrible moment; the parking lot was rocky, so my hands and knees hurt a lot. Besides, I was embarrassed about what would happen when everyone saw us. To my surprise, no one was looking because, as Juan had mentioned, all scholarship students are to be his slaves. I noticed all sorts of things: many slaves were being hit by their masters, others were serving as footstools, some were massaging their masters' feet, shoulders, backs, or heads, and others, like me, were carrying their masters. Some even had up to three on their backs. As I passed by the bathroom, I saw a master kicking his slave, throwing him to the ground, and then the master zipped up his pants while the slave was still down with his pants lowered.

As I walked to the classroom and witnessed everything, I couldn't understand how the university authorities supported all this and why the government didn't intervene. How was it possible to have such a situation kept secret?

Something I hadn't mentioned is that the university is only for men. What's strange is that it used to be co-ed 20 years ago, and for unknown reasons, they stopped admitting women.

When we reached the classroom, I went to the back where my master sat on the chair against the wall, and I took the one next to him.

Juan: Do you realize you're insolent and show me no respect? When did I say you could sit next to me? (He pushed me with both arms, and I fell with the chair.)

Jose: I'm sorry, my master. (I stood up quickly, kneeled before him, and began to kiss and lick his shoes.)

Juan: Any little thing you do today that angers me, I will carry out the punishment I was going to give you for not doing the scores. Understood?

Joše: Yes, my master. (I continued kissing his shoes.)

Juan: Get under my desk.

Jose: (I stopped kissing his shoes and obeyed, sitting under the table, facing him.)

Juan: Give me a massage. (He stretched both legs towards me, placing the soles of his shoes on my face.)

I took off his shoes and socks and started the massage. In less than 4 minutes, I could only massage one foot because a classmate arrived saying the teacher was coming. Juan ordered me to put his socks and shoes back on and said I could sit now.

Today we had all our classes. There was no time for humiliation, beatings, or anything else; it was six hours of peace for me. Until the bell rang for the end of the day. The professor was the first to leave, and just as he did, I got up from the chair and knelt in front of my master, licking his shoes.

Juan: Very well, slave, I was about to knock you off that chair; now take me to the car.

Once again, my nightmare walking on the rocky parking lot brought so much pain. I reached the car in about 5 minutes. My master used me as a table and ordered me to get in the same position I arrived in, but in the passenger seat. I obeyed immediately.

Juan started the car, and we drove off. Still, I was looking up at the sky, and after about 10 minutes, Juan parked. Someone opened the door, and when they saw me, they laughed.

To be continued

Enslaved 4

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