This story will be an adaptation of a story that was published here, but for some time now it has not been, so let it be clear that it is not of my creation. I will reconstruct the story with as many details as I remember, I will add some things of my own, but without changing the essence of the original story.
My name is David. I study at a small school, so the classes have a maximum of about 15 students. I am an introverted person and despite the few classmates there are in the classroom, I only have 2 friends.
It starts on the first day of class, and I was about to start 4th year, already a few minutes into the classroom talking with my only 2 friends about everything we did during the holidays. A new boy enters the classroom, he was tall, dark-haired, and you could see some muscles in his shirt. His name was Daniel and he came from the capital. He sat at a desk that was away from the others.
In Physics class, the teacher tells us to form pairs; these pairs would be for the whole year, and she assigned us the first task for the next class. Whenever pairs were made in class, I ended up alone. My 2 friends would team up, and since there were 15 of us, I always ended up by myself. This time, since Daniel was there, I had to partner with him. I quickly realized that he wasn't good academically and suspected that I would have to do everything myself. I was not mistaken; I did the homework alone, but we formed a good friendship, Daniel and I. We started hanging out during recess, after class, and we did the homework together (I did the work and he just copied). By the end of the first month, Daniel no longer did his assignments, even the individual ones. I did everything for him, and I even started to indulge him in everything; if he was hungry, I bought him food, if he wanted a drink, I bought it for him.
Time passed, and Daniel had become accustomed to me doing all his schoolwork. I dedicated more time to doing his tasks than my own. For that reason, his grades went up while mine went down. One of my friends confronted me, wanting to know why my grades were falling, and I just replied, "I think I’m in love." She hugged me and walked away.
I don't know at what point Daniel realized that I liked to please him, but he began to take advantage of me. Every time I went to his house, I would clean his room, polish his shoes, organize all his clothes in the closet, and one day he told me, "Wash my boxers because it's the only thing my mom doesn't wash for me." Without arguing, I started to do it.
One day at school, we were informed that the next day we wouldn't have classes because some repairs were going to be done. Daniel told me, "You have to come to my house tomorrow; my room is messy." The next day, I arrived at his house at 10 am.
Daniel: "You're late."
Me: "Yeah, sorry."
Daniel: "Let's go up to my room."
Me: "Okay" (we arrived at his room).
Daniel: "There you have the nail clipper."
Me: "And what's that for?"
Daniel: "What is a nail clipper used for?"
Me: "To cut nails."
Daniel: "Well, cut my nails."
Me: "Hands or feet?"
Daniel: "Both."
Without asking further questions, I started with his hands and then moved on to his feet. Thus, the first 5 months of friendship passed, with me pleasing Daniel in everything and him giving me more and more tasks. He no longer thanked me for everything I did for him, nor did he ask as a favor, and when I did something wrong, he called me useless.
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