The first activity of the day started at 8:00 am so I woke up at 6:00 am, the first thing I saw was a note that had been slipped under the door notifying me that as part of the pending punishment, I had to continue wearing the retreat uniform with only the tunic and footwear, I was not allowed to wear underwear anymore. It was uncomfortable for me, I was about to disobey the order but didn't want to add another offense to my "record" and make the punishment worse. I remained pensive for several minutes imagining how it would be to wear that tunic with nothing underneath. I decided to get a move on, I showered, got dressed, walked and in front of the mirror, I jumped to confirm how noticeable that swinging would be with the "free balling" I was being forced to do. I must confess I was torn between shame and excitement. I decided to go to the dining room for breakfast. I wanted to be one of the first to avoid encounters, and I succeeded. I only bumped into a few early risers who surely noticed something as I sat down, but I managed to have breakfast and quickly returned to my room. I avoided them as much as possible. I got back to my room to brush my teeth, lay down for a few minutes, and waited for it to be 7:55 am to head to the room where the first activity of the day would take place.
I arrived at the room, Carlos and his monitors were waiting, their looks reminded me of what was pending and due to the early hour, the day was still not very clear. The place was illuminated in a way that made the tunic of everyone entering transparent, so it was easy to know if they had complied with what was required in the note. These three realized that I wasn't wearing underwear, I blushed a little but at the same time felt irritated at being watched by Carlos. There were already several people sitting on the floor, we were back to the same space without chairs as in the first activities. I looked for a place away from those already there and waited for the rest of the missing students. I took advantage of the lighting setup to check out everyone entering through that door. Santiago entered showing his typical sports briefs, "what a boring guy," I thought, but my surprise came when David entered without anything underneath, showing the shadow of his quite long semi-erect brown dick. This guy enjoyed being seen, or that's what I thought at the time. He entered proudly and without any hesitation about having to wear the uniform in this way as punishment for his public masturbation the day before. "Oh, I'm starting to like this new rule," I thought silently. Soon after, Luis, Javier, and Diego entered. As they stood at the door, it was clear that they were also not wearing underwear, and the shadows of their dicks hanging beneath their tunics were visible. What a show they were giving me. As they walked in search of a place in the room, those three dicks swayed, Javier seemed a bit uncomfortable with the exposure and tried to cover himself with his hand. I remembered his presentation from the first day, he was a 25-year-old single man, without a girlfriend, just starting his career, with a desire to grow emotionally to be better prepared for what was coming at a professional level. Diego was a man in his 30s, I couldn't quite remember, his dick looked longer than the other two, I recalled him saying that he had a wife but the marriage was on rough waters. Seeing himself exposed in that way, he immediately covered himself with his hand and cursed out loud. Carlos, upon hearing him, warned him not to repeat it if he didn't want to receive another punishment in addition to the current one. Lastly, Luis, the oldest of those three, a 52-year-old single man with an average-sized dick, at least that's what was revealed by the shadow in that white fabric. I had suspected he was a closeted gay due to his attitude from the previous day. "Well, that's his problem," I said to myself at that moment and continued enjoying the show. These last three to enter the room were surely forced to wear the uniform like that due to their attempt to leave the activity the previous day when Sebastián, Esteban, and Manuel were being punished and subjected.
These three were the last to enter, and after a few minutes, there they were at the door, inseparable. This time they were wearing the uniform as requested, and the light revealed that they indeed were not wearing anything under their tunics, showing the shadows of their dicks. Sebastián, as always, exposed himself more than necessary, swinging so that his dick dangled under that fabric while the other two tried to cover up a bit. "What more will these two cover up if we've already seen everything?" I thought. The rest of the students arrived and with everyone inside, the activity began.
Carlos made the 8 punished of us step forward to read a portion of a book that talked about the importance of not giving up, of not throwing in the towel and all that typical rhetoric of these events. While standing there in front of the other students, a new light behind us was intentionally turned on, the purpose was clear. Carlos wanted to shamelessly expose us to the rest of the group. Obviously, the reading became difficult for most of us as we were exposed in that manner. Some tried to cover themselves with their hands or by closing their legs. It was at that moment that those separating punishment bars reappeared, threatening us to open our legs again. And indeed, that's what happened, and we all ended up reading and showcasing our dicks' shadows to the group and to the three behind us. Some of the seated ones found the scene funny but pretended to hide their laughter out of fear. Surprisingly, David and Sebastián, swung as they read to add a bit of fun to the punishment and even a hint of eroticism because their dicks started to react. I noticed this distinctly as I shamelessly leaned forward a bit and saw the shadows of our bodies reflected. In the case of these two, there was a beginning of an erection. It was clear they enjoyed being seen regardless of gender. The reading ended, the ordeal for some was over, the fun for others ceased, and the leader continued with his motivational and spiritual lessons for two more hours.
After this time, we were assigned a series of endurance exercises to reinforce the concept of not giving up. The two exercises that stood out the most to me were hanging from a bar for as long as possible and doing an isometric wall sit. The frame for this exercise was brought in by the two monitors and it turned this activity into a sexually charged one because as we hung from the bar, our tunics rose almost to hip level, starting to show some bulges for some and dicks for others. Everything in this place was clearly calculated, designed for voyeurism and exhibitionism. I intentionally was one of the first to drop out, and I took the opportunity to enjoy watching those bulges and dicks, especially Santiago, Sebastián, and David. This activity ended with Camilo, a 22-year-old man who competes in CrossFit, being declared the "winner". He revealed that this challenge was easier for him due to his CrossFit training. I had noticed that hanging on that bar, he exposed some very defined muscles and he was wearing slip-like underwear. I was impressed by his presentation and his well-defined bulge. I remembered some details about his introduction, a man with a girlfriend, the youngest in the group, facing difficulties with his father, which was the reason for him being at these spiritual retreats. Observing Camilo closely, he had a very good body, an attractive face, not magazine-cover handsome, but impressive nevertheless. I was eager for him to finally falter so I could enjoy seeing his athletic body subjected to one of Carlos and his monitor's punishments.
The endurance exercises concluded with one that simulated a wall sit isometrically. We were divided with 7 on one side and 8 on the other. I was facing Sebastián and David, and had Esteban, Manuel, and Santiago next to me. This position clearly showed the dicks of each of the men in front of us. Imagine the show provided by the two most exhibitionist members of the group. They showed their dicks without any hesitation. Sebastián seemed to get an extra thrill from being watched not only by me but by his two friends as well. While his two friends tried to close their eyes, curiosity got the best of them and whenever they opened their eyes, their gaze immediately fixed on his dick which was beginning to stir. The troglodyte played his game very well, provoking us because he knew his strengths and our weaknesses very well. I just closed my eyes to concentrate and keep holding the squat. I wanted to endure this time and not be seen as the weak one in the group, especially since this position allowed me to check out the 7 guys in front of me. My legs were trembling, sweat was pouring down my chest and back, my tunic was starting to get wet, but I wasn't the only one in that situation. Santiago beside me seemed focused, his expression showed no sign of fatigue. His legs seemed like they could endure for eternity, it was clear he was built for this challenge. I glanced at him to see if he would open his eyes to see what I was seeing and gauge his reaction, but it was impossible. He was in his zone, sweating a bit, his tunic starting to become transparent, his body looked delicious under that white fabric, his taut legs were a delight and I was starting to get turned on realizing I was being seen by those in front of me and I didn't want that. David sought comfort and rolled up his tunic to his waist, exposing his semi-erect brown dick that at that point was fully hard, he didn't care about the consequences anymore. Seeing this, Sebastián followed suit and also left his dick out, not fully erect but showing some level of arousal. Manuel and Esteban showed signs of fatigue and nervousness at the show their friend was giving and were among the first to fall to the ground, I kept at it, wanting to prove that I too led a fit life dedicated to sports and anchored myself to that wall for more time, but Sebastián and David were determined to distract me. The brown-skinned guy wiped his sweat by running his hand over his dick and balls unabashedly, even simulating a jerk off at some point. This man mixed a sports theme with a sexual one so well that at one point, he made eye contact with me and used his mouth to point at my erection. In that moment, I just closed my eyes, but upon opening them again, I found myself face to face not only with the brown-skinned guy but also with Sebastián. It seemed they were saying with their eyes, "You like what you see, you can't deny it, whenever you want all this can be yours." "Oh my God," I screamed in my mind. After a few minutes, I saw David and Sebastián fall to the ground one after the other. I thought that would end their tease, but no, sitting on the floor, they continued with their game. They didn't bother to pull down their tunics to their knees again, on the contrary, they continued to show their dicks, seeking to provoke the rest of the group. David insisted on teasing me, my erection had already betrayed me in front of him, and Sebastián not only played with me but also with his two friends who tried to avoid him but whenever they had the chance, their gaze would fix on the troglodyte's dick. Only Santiago, Camilo, and I were left "competing". Of the 15 men remaining in the retreat, it was clear that we were the ones involved in sports. The rugby player was still very focused, his competitive spirit came out, and he was determined to win. His tunic was completely soaked with sweat, well, the tunics of the three of us left standing were the same, but I was losing because I was erect and with nothing covering my dick. Fortunately, Santiago was beside me and could only see what he was able to glimpse through the white fabric. Camilo was on the same side as us but more distant, making it difficult for him to see my condition. But for everyone in front of me, it was clear that this exercise had turned me on, and they all guessed the reason for my arousal.
After a few minutes, Camilo gave in and dropped to the floor. It was obvious he was tired and exhausted, he had spent several minutes hanging from that bar, so only Santiago and I remained in the competition. In front of us, David and Sebastián continued their sexual games, making my challenge even more complex. The rugby player was focused, not opening his eyes even by mistake, he was determined to win. Just then, Carlos approached us to check on our status, and with that movement, I couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground feeling both tired and embarrassed, not wanting the leader to see me in that state. Suddenly sitting on the floor, I could somewhat hide my erection, not wanting to add another justification to my current situation. Santiago was gently nudged by Carlos to get him out of his concentration, telling him he had won the challenge. I took the opportunity to look at the winner who was drenched in sweat. It was a shame he always wore those sporty tights, I would have loved for him to wear a different type of underwear that day, but it was clear that variety wasn't his thing. The leader announced the two winners obtained from the two most challenging challenges, Camilo and Santiago would receive a reward at some point during the remaining days of the retreat, and with this announcement, the activity ended. It was almost 11:30 am, and we were given an hour of rest to prepare for lunch.
Lunch came without any surprises, some of us arrived with fabric even more transparent due to sweat. For me, it was more torturous than for others because I wasn't wearing underwear. At that point, I had already lost some of my modesty, knowing that sooner or later almost everyone, if not everyone, would end up in the same conditions. I must admit, the idea was starting to appeal to me, being able to enjoy seeing 14 men dressed in just a white tunic and having activities like the previous one that forced the fabric to be transparent, made my mind wander and imagine that scenario. As I sat at my table, I was already feeling aroused and didn't want to be embarrassed again.
During lunch, David and Sebastián didn't take their eyes off me, making me somewhat uncomfortable, especially since Santiago was with me at the table. I found it odd that the rugby player didn't leave me alone even after seeing everything he did. But he didn't show any reaction, always keeping a flat expression as if everything that was happening was normal for him. We finished lunch, had a short break before the afternoon activity.
At 2:00 pm, we were summoned again for another lecture by Carlos. This one had no highlights, apart from the 7 of us punished with our free dicks exposed. It ended with a meditation, and later we went to the dining room for dinner and then each to our dormitory.
It was nearly 9:00 pm, I was falling asleep when I heard a loud noise coming from the neighboring dormitories. I tried not to make any noise and opened the door ajar, and what I saw paralyzed me. Three men in blue tunics, quite burly, including the dark-skinned one who had helped punish Sebastián and his friends previously, were dragging these three characters, forced and tied hand and foot. The leader was the one who resisted the most. I saw other doors also slightly ajar in other rooms, the noise was quite noticeable, the message Carlos wanted to convey was clear. I even saw them being taken out through the main door of the house, and then I closed the door of my room. After a while, I heard the noise through my window, I ran to it and saw they were heading to the agora. I hesitated for a few seconds, checked again through the door if anyone else was about to leave their room, saw that everything was dark, some lights were on under the doors, but they remained closed, and that's when I ventured again to peek at what was going to happen in that place...
To be continued...
I apologize for the delay in publishing this chapter. I had two reasons not to do it earlier, the first one being due to work obligations that prevented me from continuing writing, and the second reason being demotivation. Seeing the low reception and acceptance of my story really demotivated me a lot, but the idea is to finish what I started and here I will continue. I send a hug to everyone and look forward to your feedback.
Spiritual Retreats – Chapter 8
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