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The sale of slaves. Part 2

Written by: MasterPig80

3 months

"Take the dogs to the house, lock them all in the dungeon, tell José to come immediately, you also go back with him," I tell Juan. I must admit, I'm nervous, this could get out of control.

Mario arrives in his truck accompanied by his foreman, I welcome him at the entrance,

Mario: "How have you been, old man, it's been over a year since I last saw you."

"Dear Mario, I'm very well, as you can see, the land has yielded good fruits, and the harvest is the best I've had in years. These dogs know their work well, they are my most loyal servants," I reply.

Mario: "How nice to hear that, I wish I could say the same, but this year I only got some skinny dogs, they can barely lift a basket at once, they are only good for sucking my cock, those fucking faggots!", he says,

"Don't worry, that's why we're partners, to support each other. Wait until you see what I have for you, come with me to my cellar, be careful, the floor is wet," I say.

His foreman takes off his shirt and throws it on the ground, squats down and advances centered on making sure his Master doesn't dirty his shoes, until he reaches the cellar wall, where I have my merchandise ready for sale.

"As you can see, I have selected my best dogs, the thickest, most muscular and submissive. They withstand the whip's blows, you can make them work while they carry you on their shoulder," I say with grace,

Mario: "It's a beauty, you're lucky to have these beasts, you must have gotten the harvest of a whole year in these months," He says while clapping the thighs of each slave hanging on the wall, touching their cocks and balls gently.

Then José arrives, almost running, adjusting his shirt, agitated, but very well-groomed, fixing his jeans to be perfectly presentable.

José: "My Lord called for me," he asks me,

"Yes, José, greet Mario, you already know him, you will go with him to tame his beasts and improve his harvest. You will do everything he asks you, without disobeying, he will be your Master for these two weeks," I tell José,

José: "Yes, my Lord," he goes to Mario and kneels before him saying, "At your service, my Lord," then kisses his shoes.

Mario: "Get up, shit, and bring something strong to drink," he shouts dominantly.

José: "Yes, my Lord," and runs back to the house to obey his order.

Mario: "Foreman! pick up and put on your shirt, accompany José for the drinks." "At your command, boss," the foreman replies.

"What do you think of these beasts, Mario?" I ask.

Mario: "Hmm, these buffoons seem interesting, but can they withstand physical punishment?" he asks me,

"I already told you, their strong backs can carry baskets of 50 kilos and don't flinch when whipped," I reply,

Mario: "Good, good, I want to inspect each one, let's start with N°1, I like his skin tone, he will look very good when he's more colored," he says,

"Juan!" I yell for him to bring down Hector, N°1 of the slave batch; "Bring the ladder and show Mario N°1,"

Juan obeys, and when releasing Hector, he falls to his knees on the floor, tired from hanging on the wall for so many hours. He removes the shackle, picks up the whip, and begins to beat Hector on his back while he remains handcuffed, gagged, and with his balls tied up with wires,

Juan: "Get up, shit! Move forward! Master Mario wants to see you!", he tells Hector,

With difficulty, Hector stands up and walks towards Mario

Mario: "Very well, turn around to see that ass," Hector obeys without saying a word, "More than good," comments Mario, Hector's white and hairy little ass had caught his attention, he knew a beast like that would be very useful not only for work in the field but also for his basest instincts.

Mario: "Pass me the whip, Juan, I want to try this slave!",

Mario takes the whip and strikes Hector hard and mercilessly, starting to hit his thighs and back, he knows how to do it, hitting the sides to avoid damaging his spine, and his strong arms turning red then purple bruises, leaving the ass for last,

Hector says nothing, just breathes heavily, and some muffled moans can be heard. After a few minutes, he asks,

Mario: "How do slaves say 'thank you'!"

Hector: "Thank you, my Lord," he says with difficulty,

Mario: "Juan!, remove the gag!"

Juan: "At your command, boss!", and obeys,

Mario: "How do slaves say 'thank you'!"

Hector: "Thank you, my Lord," he replies clearly,

The other slaves looked scared, knowing they could be next, Hector was trembling, standing facing Mario, showing his ass, bruises could already be seen on his arms from Mario's blows,

Mario: "Juan, make this slave open his ass!"

Juan: "Yes, my Lord!",

Juan grabs Hector's head and makes his cuffed hands touch the ground in front of him,

Juan: "This is how you will stay!" he tells Hector,

then he opens Hector's buttocks to Mario's delight,

Juan: "What do you think of this beast, Boss? Do you like what you see?" he asks Mario,

Mario: "Yes, I like it, it's well groomed, I like its pink color," he tells Juan while touching Hector's anus, "it's very sweaty, but it's normal given the situation," says Mario,

Hector breathes heavily, but doesn't say a word,

Juan: "Apart from being one of the strongest, he's the sluttiest on the farm, he comes every year to offer himself to the Master," he tells Mario,

Mario: "I see, he must be very complacent and servile to be able to take him,” he tells Juan,

Juan: "Even I have managed to tame him, I assure you he won't disappoint, my Lord," he tells Mario,

Mario: "And what about resistance," he asks Juan,

Juan: "He has already been tested with your whip," he replies,

Mario: "Yes, but not in sensitive areas, for him to be a beast he must withstand my wrath in every part of his body, pass me that whip again," he tells Juan,

Mario starts whipping Hector's anus with great force. Hector tries not to scream, only complaining a little, while Juan holds his buttocks wide open, but Hector never gives up, slightly bending his knees with each blow to somewhat alleviate that pain. Mario was losing control.

After a few minutes, tearful Hector with his ass up and his hands on the ground, his legs wide open while Juan keeps his buttocks apart, Mario stops,

"What do you think of this beast, if you don't like him you have more to choose from, go ahead, try another," I tell Mario,

Mario: "Yes, he has resistance, he didn't ask for mercy and only endured his punishment, that's commendable, Juan lay him on his back!" he orders,

Juan obeys and furiously grabs Hector by the head and throws him on the floor, placing him on his back, he puts his shackled hands over his legs and leaves them behind,

Mario: "A slave must endure pain as Hector did, without asking for mercy, without asking for pity, but each slave has a reason to be in that position.” He goes to Hector, steps on his cock and balls tied with wire, and asks him,

Mario: "What is your reason, slave? Why do you resist so much? You could not be here, but you keep resisting, what is your reason?" he interrogates Hector,

Hector: "I'm very poor, Lord Mario, there are no opportunities in this town, it's the only way to bring something home, I always thank my Master for feeding my family, please Lord Mario, let me be your slave, for the reward, I won't disappoint, I will be your best dog,” he says with difficulty, while Mario steps on his cock.

Hector's body is already full of bruises and scratches from the whip lashes he has received, Mario makes a few circles around him and looks at him with disdain, spits on his face and cock, saying,

Mario: "You damn slave, you are just an inferior fatso, you're worthless, you're just a simple pack animal,"

After a brief silence, he says,

Mario: "So you want to come with me, you are not loyal to your Master?"

Hector: "No, my Lord, my Master promised us a reward," Mario interrupts,

Mario: "Juan!, lift the legs of this beast!" he orders,

Juan grabs Hector by the knees with both hands, exposing the soles of his feet, Mario takes the whip and begins to mercilessly beat Hector's legs,

Mario: "You want to stay with your Master, this is so you don't walk and leave with me, is that what you want, ungrateful dog?"

Hector: "Please no, my Master! Oh! Oh! Oh! Please stop! Oh! Oh! Oh! Mercy, my Lord! Please for anything! No! Oh! Please!"

Hector had not asked for mercy until now, it is the worst pain he has ever felt, Mario had found his weak spot and that would be how he would punish him when he made a mistake,

Hector: Oh! Oh! Oh! Please stop! Please stop, my Lord! Oh! Oh! Oh! Mercy, my Lord! For the love of God! No! Oh! Please!"

At times, Juan can't contain him, Hector starts kicking, while Mario takes revenge on his legs. Mario stops out of exhaustion,

Mario: "So, dog, do you come with me or do you want me to whip your legs with my whip?".

Hector: "No, my Lord, anything but that, I'm coming with you," he tells Mario,

Mario: "Phew, good, kneel before me and kiss my feet, tell me you want to be my slave," he tells Hector while sitting on a nearby chair,

Hector: "Yes, yes, my Lord," with difficulty and without anyone's help, Hector manages to kneel down, and crawls on his knees to Mario's feet. He slowly reaches them and kisses his shoes, saying,

Hector: "Please my Lord, take me with you, I will be your faithful dog, I will do everything you ask, I will be your slave my Lord,"

Juan: "José already knows how to handle him, come on boss, take him, he will do very well on your farm," he recommends to Mario,

At that moment, Mario's Foreman arrives, along with José, carrying a tray with an ice bucket, two glasses, and a bottle of whiskey from my personal reserve. "Everything alright boss," Mario's Foreman asks,

Mario: "Yes, don't worry, my arm is tired from hitting this bastard," he replies. His Foreman, submissive, kneels before his Master, then kisses and massages his arm to relieve it and as a sign of respect,

"Well, you chose Hector, let's celebrate with a good drink, José!, serve the whiskey to toast," I say to José cheerfully,

Mario: "No, I prefer the N°1 slave to do it, I prefer Hector to do it." He says defying, looking down where Hector was,

With Hector on his knees in front of Mario, he gets up and places his hands on his head, Juan removes the handcuffs and now free, with difficulty, Hector stands up to serve the drinks, while we all watched in silence.

Mario: "No, Foreman!, Show this beast how to serve a drink." The Foreman gets up and goes to the truck to bring a weight in the shape of balls about 20 kilos, grabs Hector by the waist and turns him brusquely, places the weights on his cock tied with ropes between the wires he already had, as he falls to squat in front of the Foreman and looks without knowing what to do.

Foreman: "Those balls will give you the perfect slope angle of 45 degrees with respect to the floor, you must always serve like this to your Master, inclined towards him, your eyes on the floor, like a pig, you should never look him in the eyes, just focus on what you are doing for your Master,"

Then he grabs the slave's arm and firmly places it behind him over his butt, and says,

Foreman: "You will always serve with one hand behind and the other to attend to your Master."

With difficulty, Hector tries to stand up, the weight of the balls prevents him from standing upright, with his torso tilted, his gaze on the ground, one hand on his back, and with the other hand he starts filling the glasses with ice and serving the whiskey, using the same hand, picks up the tray and approaches his new Master Mario and offers him a drink. Then he walks with difficulty, and with effort towards me and offers me the second glass,

Mario: "Well done, my animal," he tells Hector,

Hector leaves the tray on the table and stands next to the Foreman, inclined, with his hands behind his back,

Mario: "I need to rest my feet," he tells his Foreman,

The Foreman grabs Hector by the head and puts him on all fours in front of Mario, so he can rest his feet on his back,

Everything went perfectly, and I say, "To Mario's health, may his harvest this year be the best!, Cheers!",

Mario: "Cheers, friend!",

After a few minutes, I notice Mario starting to relax, while we were discussing business he couldn't stop staring at Hector's butt, seeing how his cock became restless and he already wanted to screw Hector, it was time to close the deal,

"Well, let's talk business," I grab Hector by the hair and make him walk on all fours beside me, moving him away from Mario by standing in front of him and putting my foot on Hector's head, then he places his hands behind in a sign of respect, his head on the ground, and his ass out of Hector's sight, I start giving the price. Every time Mario negotiates the value, Juan and José each took turns flogging Hector's ass and back,

"The price is too low, look at his legs," as I lift Hector's legs and show them, "They are tough for working the land," I say to Mario,

Mario: "But he's already old, his teeth will fall out," he responds,

Juan: "Look, boss, at his teeth and tongue, he's a healthy beast, worth much more than what you're offering," Juan tells Mario while brutally opening Hector's mouth with José's help,

Until he gave me the price I was expecting.

“Well, I accept,” I say to Mario and we sign the contract on Hector's back, and I say, “Excellent choice, now he's yours, you can do whatever you want with him.”

Mario: "Foreman! Lead him to the truck,"

The Foreman took out thick metal chains, shackled his feet, hands, and put chains around his neck, and led him walking, inclined and with difficulty, leaving him tied to a stake on the ground around Mario's truck, with a bucket of water. He took off his shirt, threw it in the bucket, and said,

Foreman: "You will stay here, animal! While we choose your companion. Wash your new Master's truck, I want to see it like new," he picks up a whip and lashes him 5 times on the back, "Work, Animal!", he tells him as he gives those lashes.

Hector: "Yes, my Lord, thank you, my Lord, thank you for feeding my family, my Lord," he says.

We need to choose another dog, in secret I had told José to prepare the other slaves for a party tonight, to celebrate the magnificent business we had done,

Mario watched carefully the merchandise, giving strong whip blows to my remaining slaves, who were still hanging on the wall,

Hector finds a small dog cage in Mario's pickup truck, while he cleaned it naked and chained, with the careful gaze of his new foreman.

The sale of slaves. Part 2

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