Note: I have noticed that the vast majority of stories are written from the submissive's point of view, and they are excessively "and he fucked me really hard." In contrast, there are not many stories from the dominant's point of view, more focused on the psychological aspect of domination, and I would like to fill this gap - well, I would like to fill other gaps, but that's another topic. If you like it, you want to give it a like and comment, it would be appreciated, but remember that the goal of this story is to find a boyfriend, not an audience ;)
Being dominant and romantic at the same time is a clear test that God punishes twice. Because that implies that to find happiness I must find someone:
☐ Fagot
☐ Submissive
☐ That we like each other
☐ That wants a long-term relationship
I was thinking about that misfortune while through the glass that separated my office from the common area, I could perfectly see Alex's desk. He was completely absorbed in his PC, distractedly nibbling on the end of his pen, and damn, that gesture with the pen should be illegal.
"Calm down M, you are the director," I told myself. I was supposed to be approving requests, not fantasizing about my subordinate. But lately, it was becoming increasingly difficult to concentrate when Alex was around. The boy was short, very cute, dressed in a casual look that made him appear to be in his twenties instead of the thirty-somethings we both had, and those pants that emphasized his... damn, M, focus.
It all started three months ago, during a particularly tense meeting, where they ended up calling me "tyrant." That was when I started noticing the details: how he always sought my approval before making any decision, how his eyes lit up when he received a compliment for his work, how he slightly blushed when I got too close. At first, I thought it was simple shyness or a desire to keep his job, but there was something more there. There had to be.
"Sir?" Alex's voice startled me. He was standing at the door of my office, holding a folder. "Excuse me, do you have a moment?"
I cleared my throat, trying to maintain my professional demeanor and not think about how well some white stains would look on his face. "Of course, Alex. Come in."
Alex entered and took a seat in front of my desk, his posture perfectly upright, his hands carefully placed on the folder in his lap. Too formal. Was he like that with everyone or just with me? Damn, I needed to know.
"I wanted to consult with you about the new project presentation," he began, opening the folder. "I've prepared two different versions and I would like to know which one you prefer..."
I leaned back in my chair as I watched him explain each version. His voice was soft yet confident when he talked about work, although his eyes constantly sought my approval as if I were a Golden Retriever. It was fascinating to see that contrast between professional competence and that constant need for validation. And damn, it was driving me wild.
"Personally," I said, leaning slightly forward, "I lean towards the second version. But I’m interested to know what you think, Alex. Which one would you prefer to use?"
The flush that appeared on his cheeks did not go unnoticed. "I... I also prefer the second," he admitted, looking down for a moment. "I think it’s more... effective."
"Excellent judgment," I responded, allowing myself a small smile as I saw how he avoided looking me in the eye at the compliment. God, it was so obvious. "Why don't you stay for a moment and we review it together? We could make some adjustments..."
"Of course, sir," he immediately nodded. So obedient, so eager to please... I had to remind myself that we were in the office to not let my imagination run wild.
As I circled my desk to sit beside him, I allowed myself to fantasize for a moment. How would he react if he saw the erection I had? Would he be scandalized? Or maybe... would he blush even more and look down in that cute way?
Calm down, I reminded myself. One step at a time. First, I needed to confirm my suspicions. And I already had a plan for that.
"Would you like to go for a coffee and review this?" Shit. I spoke with the lower head and not the upper one. "To discuss the project more calmly," I quickly added, although in my mind I was already imagining a thousand different scenarios.
The way his eyes widened slightly, the way his fingers tensed over the folder... I filed away each reaction in my mind to analyze later, like the obsessive jerk I was becoming. "Please, M, don’t get attached to a submissive without him getting attached to you first," I told myself, reminding me of one of my maxims.
We left my office while Alex was reviewing some project details that, frankly, did not matter to me at that moment. Not with those lips moving so close.
And then I saw her. Laura, my former number 2, until she took a part-time leave for maternity, also sneaking out for a coffee.
"Hey, Laura!" I exclaimed, approaching. It was the perfect moment for my little experiment. I positioned myself next to Alex and, with all the naturalness I could muster, rested my elbow on his shoulder. "Also escaping the office?"
I immediately noticed how Alex's body tensed under my touch. But the most interesting thing was not that, but what came next: that subtle way in which he relaxed, adapting to my weight, almost... Giving in? Damn.
"Yes, I needed fresh air," Laura replied, but I was more focused on Alex's breathing, which had become shallower. "Are you guys going to the usual café?"
"No way, we’re going to try that new place on the corner," I answered, allowing myself to move my arm slightly, pressing down a bit more. Alex not only did not argue with my choice of establishment, but also moved with my gesture as if we were synchronized, adapting perfectly. Every second that passed confirmed my suspicions more and more. "Are you joining us?"
I saw out of the corner of my eye how Alex briefly held his breath. Was it disappointment I detected? Interesting.
"I can't, I have to go back already," Laura apologized. "Enjoy!"
I maintained my position a few more seconds after she left, enjoying how Alex seemed to have completely settled into the contact. When I finally pulled away, I noticed that micro-moment of disorientation in his posture, as if his body missed being beneath another body.
"Shall we go?" I asked casually, as if I hadn't just noticed every damn reaction of his body.
"Yes, sir," he murmured, and I had to remind myself that this was just the first step of my investigation. Although given the way my heart raced at his shy smile, perhaps the investigation wasn’t going to be as objective as I had planned.
How I met my submissive
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