The deal
The next day Isaac woke up, feeling a bit disoriented, not knowing where he was. His head hurt and he felt nauseous; he didn’t remember much from the night before. At that moment, the nausea intensified, and he rushed to the bathroom to vomit. He noticed a chair blocking the bathroom door, moved it aside, and upon turning the handle, saw that the door was locked. He opened it hastily because he could feel the vomit coming. Once inside, he noticed a strong smell of urine and saw someone lying there. It appeared to be his partner Mario, and he thought to himself that it must have been a wild night for Mario to end up like this. He remembered then why he had gone in and rushed straight to the toilet to expel everything from his stomach. Meanwhile, amidst the noise, Mario woke up and saw Isaac in the bathroom. He quickly got up and tried to help, saying, "There’s something you need, my lord. Tell me what I can do, this dog will do anything to help you and make you feel good." Isaac didn’t understand why Mario was calling him lord or why Mario referred to himself as a dog. All he cared about at that moment was getting rid of the contents of his stomach, so he simply ordered Mario to go to reception and ask for IV fluids and something for the headache and nausea, and to come back quickly. Mario nodded and set off, changed quickly, and left the room in haste to go to reception. During this, Isaac managed to compose himself and headed for the bed, waiting for the medications and the IV fluids. He lay back and thought about interrogating Mario about why he called him lord. He rummaged for his cellphone and noticed it was on the floor. He picked it up to check if he had received any messages from Elizabeth, knowing she would probably be very angry. He unlocked his phone and saw that the camera app had opened, and there seemed to be a video. He pressed play and watched the image of Mario licking his feet. He heard himself threatening Mario and everything else, and it was then that his memory returned, and he recalled everything that had happened the night before. He couldn't help but feel aroused again by those memories, laughed to himself, and thought about what to do when Mario returned, although he would first take the medications and try to feel a bit better before anything else.
Meanwhile, Mario was coming back with the items his master Isaac had requested. He hurried in, knelt beside the bed, and offered the medicine along with a bottle of IV fluids to his master, who took them, drank, and lay back down again, and simply said, “I remember what happened last night. For now, clean up this mess and the bathroom while I deal with this discomfort. Then you will go to the dining room and bring me my breakfast, understood?” Mario simply replied, “Yes, my lord," and got to work. Isaac couldn't believe what was happening and thought he would enjoy this situation immensely. He then closed his eyes, waiting for the discomfort to pass.
Isaac dozed off for about 20 minutes when he woke up to find the room and bathroom clean. He noticed Mario kneeling at the foot of the bed, waiting with a tray of assorted food on a folding table. Isaac ordered him to bring the food closer while he sat up on one side of the bed. Meanwhile, Mario hurried to set the table and the food near Isaac; he even had a pitcher of orange juice close by. He filled a glass, placed it on the table, set the jug aside, and proceeded to kneel before Isaac, keeping his gaze down in a sign of respect throughout the process. Mario was deeply immersed in the role. He leaned down timidly to his lord’s feet and began to kiss them slowly and adoringly. Isaac didn’t mind and allowed it. Once he finished his breakfast, he began to speak and said, “This is the deal: in front of my wife and in public, you will behave normally and address me as you always have. Try to anticipate my needs but do so discreetly, at least in public. As I said yesterday, you will be my slave; you must be available 24/7. I don’t care if you’re eating, sleeping, or busy with your family or friends, you will always be available for whatever I want at any moment, do you understand?” Mario, still kissing Isaac’s feet, said a loud “YES, MY LORD.” Isaac continued, “On the cellphone and social media, it will be exactly the same: in public, ‘normal behavior.’ In private, both in person and in our chats, you will address me as lord or master, and I will call you whatever I feel like. Do you understand?” Mario again nodded with a “YES, MY LORD” without stopping kissing his lord’s feet. Mario felt so fulfilled and happy.
After the conversation, Isaac lifted Mario's face with his right foot until Mario was upright. He kept his foot raised at Mario's face level and ordered him to lick with a loud and clear “LICK,” saying, “You have 5 minutes to lick my feet as you please; that will be your breakfast. Then we will go out to look for my family, and you will do everything I told you. Make sure that I enjoy this vacation, okay?” Mario simply said, “Yes, my god,” and continued to breakfast on Isaac’s foot. Isaac moved his feet onto the bed for more comfort, while his slave followed, not leaving a single centimeter of those meaty feet uncleaned. Isaac thought to himself how good it felt to have someone at his feet licking them; he regretted not exploring this experience sooner, so he relaxed and let his slave eat while he also enjoyed the experience. After the time he had given his slave, he ordered him to stop, dry his feet, and put on his shoes. They then left the room, and just as ordered by his master Isaac, Mario did everything possible to ensure that his god's vacation was perfect. He brought him drinks, offered snacks, brought him towels, and helped distract Elizabeth with his charisma and kind personality so that she stayed calm and didn’t bother her master. He distracted Isaac’s children when he could, preventing tantrums, and Isaac would often ask Mario for anything, no matter how small, just for fun to keep him busy, as he enjoyed seeing him obey without question. He also wanted to test just how true it was that he would “always obey.” Thus, the mini vacation of three days came to an end, and Isaac was able to relax fully as he wanted. He was very satisfied with the turn of events and promised himself to enjoy everything to the fullest from then on.
As they were about to leave, Isaac told his wife to relax one last time, to go to the restaurant or the pool with the kids and the nanny while he and Mario arranged the luggage and took it to the car. The truth is that Isaac went to take a nap on the bed in the room and ordered his new slave Mario to do the same, although Isaac would take the credit for everything later. Mario cleaned, organized Isaac and his family's luggage, and loaded them into the car. Upon returning to the room, Isaac was lying in bed with his eyes closed. Mario thought his lord was asleep, but he was surprised when Isaac spoke to him and ordered, “Lock the door; I want to use your mouth.” Mario was thrilled at the thought of tasting his lord’s shaft again, and Isaac urged him to hurry. He slid the lock in the room and approached the bed. Isaac, lying down, simply pulled down his shorts and revealed his member. He placed his hands behind his head and ordered his slave to get to work, telling him to do it slowly as he wanted to enjoy.
Mario timidly climbed onto the bed, observed his lord relaxed with his eyes closed, hands behind his head, and his member very erect and prepared to give maximum pleasure to his god. He first diligently licked the edges, then sucked his lord's balls, licked the base of Isaac’s shaft, from the balls to the tip as if it were the most delicious lollipop. He continued to lick the foreskin and sucked it, revealing the glans, and took the shaft into his mouth, savoring every inch and sucking slowly. He used his tongue a lot to provide pleasure. In trying to masturbate him with his hand, Mario received a hit to the head. He raised his gaze and saw the angry face of his lord, who in a severe voice said, “I don’t want you to use your hands, just your mouth. If I wanted manual masturbation, I would do it myself! So do it right!” Mario pleaded for forgiveness and apologized, then continued as his master commanded.
Nearly 25 minutes passed until Isaac, at one moment, firmly held Mario's head, pushed him towards himself, started moaning, and said, “This is your reward; enjoy.” His ejaculation, like the previous time, was abundant and caused him a bit of coughing from the force of the semen hitting his throat. However, Isaac did not lessen his grip until he completely finished. Mario swallowed everything as best he could and this time didn’t let a single drop of his master’s protein fall. Once everything was done, he meticulously cleaned Isaac’s shaft, and then Isaac pushed him away and pulled up his shorts, lifting his head just a little to look directly at his slave and said, “You still have much to learn, but I will train you to give me as much pleasure as possible. Don’t expect me to penetrate you anytime soon; for now, I will only use your mouth. I won’t always be indulgent with you; I will punish and reward you as you deserve. So get ready.”
Mario, with his head bowed and gaze down, listened attentively to his lord. He then got off the bed and knelt before Isaac, saying, “I will accept your judgment, my lord. Use me and punish me so that I can transform into a version of myself.” After that, Isaac ordered Mario to leave the room and the hotel, and finally said, “See you at work.” Mario stood up, kissed Isaac’s feet as a farewell, and left the hotel, still tasting Isaac in his mouth, got into his car, and drove away from the hotel, eagerly awaiting the next day.
To be continued...
The master Isaac: the deal
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