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The master isaac 4: the visit

Written by: amowe

1 month

The days passed and Mario wished he could serve Isaac more, although he liked that he had practically become Isaac's personal assistant and errand runner, he felt that he couldn’t serve him entirely and not every day, whether because many times he had commitments outside the office or due to work meetings, not to mention that he did the work his master didn't want, so the occasions when he served him sexually or adored him in person were scarce and by night he couldn’t serve him either because Isaac had decided to leave earlier each time.

Mario felt very sad and frustrated with the situation, so he decided to do something and that was to invite his master to his house, although on other occasions his master Isaac had arrived at his home, on those occasions it had been as his partner and they were large social gatherings, this time it would be just the two of them and perhaps if he played his cards right, he could make his master develop a routine and come more often. A private place where he could adore and serve as he should, not to mention that it was an opportunity for his master to use his entire collection of BDSM toys that he had in his special room, which was always closed unless it was being used.

He got to work on his plan, decided on the day, cleared his schedule so that the two of them would be at the office, wrote to his master very early in the morning via WhatsApp, told him he needed to talk to him in person, Isaac's curiosity was piqued since normally when it was work-related, they would write in a group chat for the company and when it was about their master-slave relationship, it was he who always wrote to give orders in the private chat, Mario rarely wrote anything unless Isaac asked or ordered him to, so he wanted to know what it was about. So Isaac said he would give him a chance at lunch to talk, closed the chat, and continued with his own.

Having gotten his master to accept, Mario went on to make preparations.

That day he worked hard to find his master's favorite food, seafood, which was difficult due to how far they were from the coasts and the few restaurants that specialized in it, but he thought it would all be worth it.

He arrived at the office as usual, went to his master's office, locked the door as always, properly served his master, who ordered him to kneel on the floor since he wanted a foot massage while having lunch, he used Mario's head as a support to take off his shoes and placed his feet in his lap, they smelled so good, Mario thought, as always happened when he was at Isaac's feet, his mind drifted, he wanted so much to lick them but he restrained himself with all his might not to do it since he hadn't been ordered to. All this was happening because Isaac had turned that action into a reward that he had to earn, he had trained and manipulated his slave's mind so well that he kept him under control and that delighted him; he stared at him playfully for a while and then spoke, asking Mario, "So what did you want to talk to me about?" At that moment, Mario came out of his reverie, returning to himself; a bit embarrassed by the situation and starting to speak awkwardly without taking his eyes off his master's feet or distracting himself from his task, and that’s when he brought up the idea of the possibility of his master coming to his house to celebrate the successful closing of the last deal, mentioning that he also looked very stressed and that this way he could relax a bit. He had also gotten some new imported beers for him to taste and had ordered some special cuts of meat that he would probably love. He also told him that he deserved all of this and thought it was fair and very necessary to do. Mario finished speaking, waiting for his master to respond; a few seconds passed, and his master Isaac finally accepted, agreeing that he deserved a little distraction and that it was necessary to celebrate, also thinking to himself that this would give him an excuse not to go home; Elizabeth was becoming more unbearable every day, and at least he would take a break from that situation. He also told Mario that he would allow him to leave a little earlier to prepare everything for that night. Mario was filled with joy and thanked him. After that, Isaac ordered him to take off his socks since he was going to allow him to give a tongue massage to his feet, for being a good slave and for knowing how to appreciate his master's work. Mario wasted no time and did so, licking Isaac's feet generously throughout lunch, not leaving a corner uncleaned, nor a nail unsucked, nor a lint to be eaten. Then, as always, at the end of his task, he dried his master’s feet with his own shirt and tie, put on his shoes, took out the trash, and headed to his office. He couldn't hide his happiness, thinking that tonight had to be perfect so that his master would make this a routine. He finished what he had to do and then around 3 PM went home to make preparations to receive his god.

Once at home, he cleaned everything well, found the music on Spotify that his master liked the most, and got to cooking. Mario knew what he was doing as he had taken many cooking courses, so he put a lot of effort into preparing the best meat he knew how to make, made several appetizers, prepared the salads, created the most appetizing dessert from his repertoire, put the beers and other drinks in the refrigerator, and once everything was ready, he knelt at the entrance of his house waiting for his master to arrive; Mario's door lock was smart and he had already programmed a code for Isaac to enter so he could come in whenever he wanted, later if everything went well, it would register his master’s fingerprint to make it even easier for him to enter next time. Mario wished with all his heart that there would be a next time. At that moment he had an anxiety attack and was ruminating a lot, nervous about that night, he didn't realize that the time when Isaac would arrive was approaching, the nerves were about to explode when he heard the click of the door, he bowed completely to the ground waiting for his god to enter.

Isaac entered and was pleased to see his slave kneeling with his face pressed against the floor, closed the door, approached enough, and then his slave kissed his shoes, welcoming him to his home which was also his if he wished. He guided him to the living room, sat him down, put on the music, handed him the remote to choose it, and went to fetch a nice cold beer which he handed to him, and everything began.

The music was great; Mario had good sound equipment and a huge TV. Isaac thought to himself that he would love to watch his favorite shows there. The beer was of excellent quality, and Mario also brought him a delicious shrimp cocktail to nibble on. Everything was going well at the beginning, Mario took off his master's shoes with his approval, removed his socks, gently placed them in the shoes, put some elegant sandals on him, and then Mario began to chat, praising him whenever possible and inflating his ego, about the success of the deal, how his presence was imposing, how successful and intelligent and cunning he could be, while passing him beers and prepared drinks whenever he wanted. Then, out of nowhere, Isaac stepped into his master role, ordered him to undress, then took a dog collar that he had taken from his own dog and put it on him, mocked him a little, forced him to kneel and open his legs, and kicked his balls repeatedly, spit on him for a while, and then they moved to the dining room, where Mario served everything to his master, and while he was eating, he tossed scraps and chewed food on the floor, ordering him to eat. Then Mario brought out the dessert and served it to his master, who loved it!! He was truly enjoying the night, he was a bit drunk, had eaten well, and had punched and humiliated his slave, only draining his balls was left to make it absolutely perfect.

But at one point, Mario said to his master, "My lord, I want to show you something if you would like after you finish your sacred meal."

After chewing and spitting a bit of dessert on the floor, Isaac said, "Just eat that and let's go," He took his foot out of the sandal and stepped on the dessert, offering it to his slave as a reward since he was very happy about the wonderful night. Mario licked the dessert off Isaac's foot, and he noticed how happy his slave was because he saw Mario's strong erection, which made him want to kick his balls again. It was Isaac who removed his foot from Mario’s mouth since he had again become utterly mesmerized just by being able to touch his foot, then ordered him to take him to see what he was going to show him, he got up from the table and ordered him to go like a dog on four legs, he made him go ahead while occasionally kicking him in the ass, eliciting a smile every time he did it. They then reached a door that seemed to lead to a basement, Mario stood up, unlocked it with his fingerprint, and they entered, went down some stairs, and it was there that Isaac realized that Mario was more perverted than he thought; the room was well lit and displayed all kinds of gadgets, some of which he recognized from hetero porn movies he watched, while others were unknown to him. It was then he saw a cock ring and laughed at the sight of it, grabbing it and tossing it to his dog, who was there trembling with excitement, hoping his master wouldn't be scared. The cock ring fell next to Mario and Isaac said, "Well, my little pervert, put it on," adding that that thing he had between his legs was useless. Mario happily did so while Isaac curiously explored everything, occasionally asking what something was used for, then looking at and touching the next gadget. This went on for a while until they reached the torture section. He then spontaneously grabbed a small whip and struck his slave's back multiple times while he turned his back looking for other things to show his master, and with each lash he laughed while Mario only bent over protecting his face. "Kneel, dog!" Isaac ordered, "Kiss my feet."

Isaac was ecstatic; nothing he had seen had scared him, in fact, it excited him a lot, and he saw the potential of all those toys, thinking about how much fun he would have using them.

And there he was, whipping his dog who was kissing his feet, making little jumps with each lash he administered, each one getting more intense, leaving marks on his dog's back and stopping only when his dog sobbed a bit and begged for a bit of mercy, that only made his cock even harder; he loved torturing. He went to a nearby shelf, grabbed a gag that on the outside simulated a vagina, pulled his dog by the hair to lift him and move him away from his feet, placed the vagina-shaped gag in his mouth, secured it well, then took handcuffs from another shelf, pulled him to a nearby post, and handcuffed him in such a way that his hands were behind him.

He lowered his pants, pulled out his cock, spat on it to lubricate it a bit, and proceeded to fuck that vagina mouth, it felt so good he thought, super pleasurable. He paused for a moment just to go get another beer, then continued fucking that lovely vagina mouth, going on like that for several minutes, having a great orgasm that made his legs tremble, hearing his slave gagging but not caring, knowing that his pleasure mattered more. He pulled out his cock, stroked his slave's head, removed the gag to check if he had swallowed his semen, and made him clean his cock. After that, he put his cock away, zipped up his pants, and removed the handcuffs from Mario, taking him to a wall where other harnesses were so that the slave would be standing with arms and legs extended. There, he entertained himself by putting clamps all over his body, then used a whip to knock them off him as he whipped him, it was a very fun game for him, he was really enjoying making his dog suffer. He only stopped to go urinate, which he did in a bathroom that was in the same room, or to go bring another beer from upstairs. Suddenly he noticed his slave's face, he was crying silently; then he saw his whole body, it was a work of art, all marked and super red. There he realized he was a sadist and all of this, instead of eliciting some compassion in him, turned him on again. So by now very affected by the alcohol, he awkwardly untied him from the wall, Mario fell to the floor exhausted, and there on all fours he noticed how his master touched his ass and spat on him, and heard how he unzipped his pants again and then only felt how everything inside him was stirred, his master was penetrating him aggressively; then while he did so, he pulled his hair and brought his mouth close to his ear and said, "You are mine, you belong to me, I don't want you to go out or be with anyone else; I want you only and exclusively for myself, just for me; you are only mine." Mario, in tears from his aching body and from the excitement of having his master penetrating him, upon hearing those words was filled with joy, his heart overflowed with happiness, and he shouted, "Yes, my master, I am only yours, I will always be, my body, my life belongs to you." Upon hearing this, Isaac intensified his thrusts until he finished and filled his slave's insides, screaming in pleasure and marking him as his. Isaac, although inebriated, also felt very happy, and although he called himself heterosexual, he believed he felt something he couldn't explain. No one had ever given themselves to him in that way, and no one had ever had such sincere devotion, and that made him feel something he never thought he could feel for another man. After that great orgasm, so pleasurable and long, one he had never experienced with any woman, he fell on his knees and then sat down, accidentally knocking over his beer bottle which he had placed beside him, causing it to spill and wet him a bit. His aching slave slowly turned around and moved to clean his master's cock, which he allowed, and with great affection, he stroked his head. Mario licked and sucked the remnants of blood, semen, and other dirt from Isaac's cock until it was clean. After that, Isaac tried to get up but was so dizzy from the alcohol that he couldn't stand. His slave Mario helped him get up, and they left the playroom, took him to his bedroom, where he helped him take off his dirty clothes soaked in beer, laid him down, and covered him, turned on the air conditioning, and when Mario was about to leave, he heard Isaac say to him, "Don't go," he uncovered his feet and said, "You can clean them until I fall asleep, my puppy, you've earned it." Mario, in pain and grateful, knelt down and prepared to lick his master's feet. He didn’t know how much time passed in that position licking his perfect feet, he only felt grateful and happy, so much so that all his pain disappeared. When he came to himself, he stopped and looked for his cell phone to call his master’s wife to make up a convincing excuse so that she wouldn’t raise a fuss about his perfect master. Isaac abruptly woke up realizing that no one was still licking his feet, he still felt very dizzy from the alcohol, but from a distance, he heard someone talking and saw through the open door of the room in the hallway, Mario talking to who seemed to be his wife, he listened as he defended him and took the blame for him not having arrived home, heard him apologizing to Elizabeth, Isaac's wife, for the situation, making some sort of promise that he would take care of him and seeming to convince her not to make a fuss about him not coming home. Isaac, upon hearing how Mario was loyal to him and defended him, felt once again that forbidden thing he shouldn’t feel for another man; at that moment Mario realized that his master was watching him, there he was halfway propped up in bed and apparently had been listening, this scared him and he wanted to give an explanation besides pleading for forgiveness for his audacity. When he entered the room, Isaac silenced him with a gesture of his hand and then urged him to come closer, commanding him to lie by his side. Mario, not knowing what to say, obeyed, lying next to his master, who hugged him and pulled him closer, and then he only heard how he returned to sleep. Mario didn't want to move because he didn't want to disturb his god, who smelled so good, and being in his arms made him feel very safe and above all happy. He didn't want to get his hopes up but wanted this to last forever; slowly, sleep overcame him and he had the best night of rest of his life, but before sleeping, he wondered if this was what it felt like to be truly happy.

The master isaac 4: the visit

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