- We can do two things - said Héctor -: I can untie you, you go up to the house, and we eat these hamburgers, or I don't untie you, I take you up to the house under these conditions and eat the two hamburgers while you watch? If you want the first option, lift an index finger; if you want the second, lift both.
Lucas paused to think. He had a lot of trust in Héctor; he knew nothing bad would happen to him, but at the same time, he felt overwhelmed by the experience. He needed to talk to him. Was he feeling the same excitement? Would it be a mistake to stop the game at that moment?
Héctor was expectant. On one hand, he wanted to continue the game; for him, this new experience of domination opened his mind and his desire to experiment. On the other hand, he had never played all this before. What if Lucas wasn't comfortable? Since he had tied him up, he hadn't done even the slightest check. He waited for Lucas to decide.
After a few seconds, Lucas decided to lift one finger. Héctor approached his friend and removed the gag.
- Lucas, are you okay?
- Yes, yes, I'm fine. A bit surprised by everything... but fine. Since when are you so naughty? - he said, smiling.
Héctor laughed out loud. He didn't expect that comment.
- Well, I liked the idea; didn't you?
Lucas was somewhat afraid to answer. The game had been going so well that breaking the magic was too big a risk.
- Well, did you like it?
- I... - Héctor began to answer when the garage door was heard. Héctor suddenly closed the gate and leaned against the car. Lucas remained in the darkness of the trunk, completely silent. A neighbor was coming down with her son.
- Hello, good evening, Meri.
- Good evening, Héctor. Are you going home?
- Indeed - he said as he locked the car with Lucas inside.
- Ah, I'm taking Sergio to his father. - Meri looked to see if her son had gotten into the car. - If you want, we can have a beer later - she said, winking at Héctor.
Lucas could hardly hear anything from the locked trunk. He was still tied up. What if Héctor left him there while he got involved with his neighbor?
- Um, well, look - Héctor replied - I’m getting up early tomorrow, I'm going to exercise in the morning, and I want to sleep.
- Every time I ask you, you give me the brush-off, hahaha - Meri laughed. - One day you could give me the pleasure of having a drink together.
- Yes, a bit later, as I have loose ends to tie up.
Meri bid him farewell with a gesture of desire. Héctor walked towards the garage door to go home. Lucas, for his part, heard the sound of a car fading away, while footsteps moved away from the car and a door sounded in the distance. And silence fell. Had he forgotten about him? He would have to spend the night there. At the very least, he would try to untie the ropes with his mouth and look to write on Héctor's phone. He started nibbling at the ropes. He heard the door again; some neighbor must be coming down for their car. Although he tried, he couldn't undo a single knot.
Héctor waited for Meri's car to leave and for the garage shutter to close. When he heard nothing, he returned to his car. This time stealthily, to make Lucas believe he had forgotten about him. Upon reaching the gate, he waited a bit and placed his ear at the door. He heard nothing. He hoped Lucas was okay. Finally, he opened the trunk.
Lucas was startled. He hadn't heard him arrive.
- What are you doing, do you have a hamster complex? Stop gnawing on the ropes.
Héctor quickly undid the knot tying his cuffs to the trunk and did the same with the rope tying his feet. He untied the ankles and, when he reached the cuffs, hesitated to take them off.
- If you want, I'll leave them on you - he said, smiling.
Lucas couldn't tell if he was mocking him or enjoying the domination he was exercising over him.
- I'll take them off; I see you looking a bit scared.
Once he removed the cuffs, he helped him out of the car with his strong arms. Then he set about putting all his gear into a backpack. Lucas saw him filled with confidence, more resolute in his way of tying, untying, and collecting all the material. He looked like a true expert.
- Ah, Lucas, grab the hamburgers; do you feel like we eat them?
- What do we eat? - Lucas blurted out, to which Héctor laughed. - Oh, right, I’ll grab them now.
After grabbing everything and locking the car, they left the parking lot and took the elevator. It was narrow, and Lucas, even though he wasn't tied up, felt Héctor's domination.
- You're very quiet, Lucas - Héctor pointed out.
- Ah, I don’t know.
- Did you have fun?
- Yes, yes, I liked it a lot. Did you enjoy it too?
Héctor smiled.
They arrived at Héctor's house. In the kitchen, they opened the hamburger packages.
- Do we eat them? - Héctor asked, laughing at Lucas.
- Wow, you liked that phrase, huh?
- Were you comfortable in the trunk?
- Yes, I was fine. I bumped my head; I don’t know where you were driving. Oh, and at one point, I heard quite a lot of noise. Where did you take me?
- To buy dinner; you’re eating it.
Lucas was astonished, and both burst out laughing.
- Hey, Héctor, did you enjoy it? I mean, did you like having me tied up and locked away?
Héctor looked to the side and thought a bit.
- Well, yes, I liked it. I hadn’t done it to anyone before. I don’t know if I did it right... But having you like that without anyone knowing that I had you tied up felt great.
- You did it very well - Lucas told him - I liked it a lot. I had the confidence that I would be in good hands and that you wouldn’t let anything bad happen to me.
Héctor approached Lucas, placed his hand on his head, and ruffled his hair.
- You can trust me - said Héctor just before passing his other hand around his neck. - I want to keep dominating you.
Lucas had an erection that was hard to hide. He started to move to try to conceal it, but Héctor noticed.
- What’s happening down there? - he said while passing his hand over Lucas's package. - It seems you like the idea.
Lucas was ecstatic about the situation. Héctor liked to dominate, and it seemed he also wanted to take a step further. Lucas decided to surrender.
- Yes, I like it; I want you to dominate me again, to tie me up, whatever you want.
Héctor felt that same erection he had when tying up Lucas for the first time. He was euphoric and wanted to see how far this feeling could go. A smile spread across his face.
- Tonight, you’re going to behave, Lucas. One way or another.
On the way home (A thumbs up)
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