In the first part, Damián and Nico, two 18-year-old boys, were forced to work together on a biology project, which revealed an unexpected connection between them. However, the apparent truce was brief. During the first few days after their encounter, Damián did not behave like the usual bully at school. However, his friends, noticing the change, began to tease him. "What's up, Damián? Are you Nico's boyfriend now?" they asked, laughing. Damián, annoyed and embarrassed, vehemently denied it.... (Gay stories.)
The other day I met a guy from Grindr and while we were talking he told me he really liked pee, and if I would let him pee on me, I responded that he had total freedom to do whatever he wanted with his pee and to set up the session of his dreams, and that's how it was. I arrived at his house and he was in his underwear, he made me take off my clothes and get on all fours. I went to the living room and he had put some kind of plastic tablecloth on the floor and had a low table on top of it, he ... (Gay stories.)
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